I tried to compute the audit log table usage using the following steps:

  1. Truncate all the audit log table data (i.e. AUD$)
  2. Perform test case that inserts and update data, also delete statement but it wont delete anything.
  3. Measure the byte used on the dba segment.

    select tablespace_name,bytes from dba_segments
    where tablespace_name ='SYSTEM'
    and SEGMENT_NAME = 'AUD$';
  4. Recompute of statistical data.

  5. Retrieve the byte used in the statistical data.

    from DBA_TABLES where TABLE_NAME = 'AUD$';

The value I get from #3 is more than twice that of #5, Why is it allocating too much?

1 Answer 1


Your select on dba_tables doesn't take into account:

  • Empty blocks in the table (see initial/next, minextents and freelist-related storage parameters among others)
  • Empty space in the blocks (due to pct_free mainly)
  • Block headers (initrans influences this size, among others)

I.e. it doesn't take into account the physical storage of the data at all. dba_segments on the other hand only counts physical blocks for the segment, regardless of how much data they contain.

A table with a pct_free set to 50% and never updated will have statistically half-empty blocks for example, and the calculation you did on dba_tables will reveal that when compared to dba_segments.

See the Logical Storage Structures docs to learn more about how data is stored in your database (and the overhead involved).

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