I have this query in SQL Server:

SELECT Dated, AccountID, AccountName, Rate, 
  case (when (Credit-Debit) > 0 then Credit-Debit END) as Credit,
  case (when (Credit-Debit) < 0 then Credit-Debit END) as Debit,
FROM TempTrallBalance

How can I convert it to Access syntax?

1 Answer 1


The only issue here is that MS Access has no idea what a CASE expression is. Instead, you need to use IIF, e.g.:

IIF(Credit-Debit > 0, Credit-Debit, NULL) AS Credit,
IIF(Credit-Debit < 0, Credit-Debit, NULL) AS Debit,

BTW IIF is now supported in SQL Server 2012.

  • Access also has the Switch() function which more closely matches the CASE ... WHEN structure and can be used to avoid large numbers of nested IIf() functions. Nov 24, 2014 at 12:48

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