I have a decimal(4, 4) column in MS SQL Server 2008 R2. If I understand correctly, that means:

  • Precision of 4, ie up to four digits can be stored after the decimal place
  • Scale of 4, ie a a total of four digits can be stored

When I run an update command to set the column to 1 (update myTable set myDecimalColumn=1), I get this error:

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.

I don't understand how that is true. 1 has no digits after the decimal and is only one digit long.

1 Answer 1


The Precision specifies the total number of digits that can be stored, the Scale specifies, how many of those digits live behind the decimal point.

A DECIMAL(4,4) therefore has four digits and all are behind the decimal point. That means you can store values form -0.9999 to 0.9999. You cannot store -1 or 1 as they have a digit before the decimal point.

SQL Fiddle

Query 1:

SELECT CAST(-0.9999 as DECIMAL(4,4)),CAST(0.123456 as DECIMAL(4,4)),CAST(0.9999 as DECIMAL(4,4))


|  -0.9999 |   0.1235 |   0.9999 |

To store 1 you have to add an additional digit as in DECIMAL(5,4). That allows you to store values from -9.9999 to 9.9999:

SQL Fiddle

Query 2:

SELECT CAST(-9.9999 as DECIMAL(5,4)),CAST(1 as DECIMAL(5,4)),CAST(9.9999 as DECIMAL(5,4))


|  -9.9999 |        1 |   9.9999 |
  • I didn't realize scale was exclusively after the decimal. I thought it was up to that number after the decimal. Aug 12, 2013 at 5:46

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