This is my first question on this forum, so be patient... My question is about the most efficient way to build a query on the following table:

create table OpenTrades( AccountNumber number, SnapshotTime date, Ticket number, OpenTime date, TradeType varchar2(4), TradeSize number, TradeItem char(6), OpenPrice number, TradeSL number, TradeTP number, TradeSwap number, TradeProfit number
); alter table OpenTrades add constraint OpenTrades_PK Primary Key (AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket) using index tablespace MyNNIdx;

This table is populated every 15 minutes, and the timestamp of the insert is saved in SnapshotTime column. The sought query should group records by Week number (based on SnapshotTime), and filter the records so that it would return those with the latest (SnapshotTime) within the same week.

So far, I've tried the following:

select max(ot2.SnapshotTime) from OpenTrades ot1, OpenTrades ot2 where to_date(ot1.SnapshotTime,'IW')=to_date(ot2.SnapshotTime,'IW');.

However, this takes way longer than expected (15 minutes for less than 1500 rows); I'm sure there's a much better way to write this, but so far, it has eluded me. Any idea? Thanks!

  • Can you let us know which database engine you are using and the version? Jun 10, 2014 at 10:06
  • Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
    – gcaglion
    Jun 10, 2014 at 10:09
  • Please don't post the same question on multiple sites. There's a FAQ about this on meta.
    – Alex Poole
    Jun 11, 2014 at 8:35
  • Apologies for the multiple posts. Will not happen again.
    – gcaglion
    Jun 12, 2014 at 15:26

2 Answers 2


Try something like:

select AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket, ...
from (
    select AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket, ...
         , row_number() over (partition by AccountNumber, Ticket
                              order by SnapshotTime desc) as rn
    from OpenTrades
) T
where rn = 1;

I just reread the post and realized that I gave a solution for something different than the OP asked for, I guess something like:

select AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket, ...
from (
    select AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket, ...
         , row_number() over (to_date(SnapshotTime,'IW')
                              order by SnapshotTime desc) as rn
    from OpenTrades
) T
where rn = 1;

is closer to what the OP wants.

  • Hello Lennart,Thanks for your suggestion; however, the statement above is not executing; I keep getting an ORA-00907: select AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket from ( select AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket , row_number() over (to_date(SnapshotTime,'IW') order by SnapshotTime desc) as rn ) as T where rn = 1;
    – gcaglion
    Jun 10, 2014 at 11:23
  • I do not have Oracle at hand, and there seems to be something wrong with SQLFiddle at the moment. I googled and ORA-00907 appears to mean missing parantheses. I'm pretty sure the parantheses are in the right place in my example, so I don't know whats wrong Jun 10, 2014 at 11:35
  • A dumb question, have you replaced T with OpenTrades in my example? Jun 10, 2014 at 11:37
  • 1
    @Lennart Oracle does not like as for table aliasing. Converted the as T to just T. Also added the missing from clauses. Jun 10, 2014 at 16:31

Try adding Virtual Column (11gR1+), plus an index on the virtual column (equivalent to a functional index).

create table OpenTrades(
  AccountNumber   number,
  SnapshotTime    date,
  Ticket          number,
  OpenTime        date,
  TradeType       varchar2(4),
  TradeSize       number,
  TradeItem       char(6),
  OpenPrice       number,
  TradeSL         number,
  TradeTP         number,
  TradeSwap       number,
  TradeProfit     number,
  WeekNumber      GENERATED ALWAYS AS (TRUNC(SnapshotTime, 'IW')) VIRTUAL,
  PRIMARY KEY (AccountNumber, SnapshotTime, Ticket)

CREATE INDEX openTrades_weeknumber_idx ON OpenTrades (AccountNumber, Ticket, WeekNumber);

And then load your data and try out this query. Hope it performs quickly and gives you the expected result.

  FROM OpenTrades ot1
  WHERE SnapshotTime = (SELECT max(SnapshotTime)
                        FROM OpenTrades
                        WHERE AccountNumber = ot1.AccountNumber
                          AND Ticket         = ot1.Ticket
                          AND WeekNumber     = ot1.WeekNumber);

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