I need to develop a T-SQL insert script for use on a remote SQL 2005 Express instance but I would like the script to include the necessary SQL credentials so all the user has to do is execute the script. What is the easiest way to accomplish this?

2 Answers 2


As you describe it, it's not going to work. The T-SQL script needs to run on a SQL Server which means that it needs to be run in an appropriately-authenticated session.

One option would be to write the TSQL script, and then provide it with a VBScript or CMD file or PowerShell script that'll launch the TSQL at the correct server with the right credentials.

  • That makes perfect sense. Would I be able to authenticate as a SQL user using that method? I would use the authenticated Windows user but I have them set, in the database, with read-only access for security reasons. SA is what I would like to use.
    – Gryphoenix
    May 23, 2013 at 16:09

Using a batch file and SQLCMD, you can execute the script as below :

echo off

set DbServer=Server_name\InstanceName
set MyLogin=sa
set MyPassword=StrongPassword

set MasterDbName=master
set DbName=AdventureWorks

set SQLCMDPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn

set SpScripFilePath=C:\ScriptFolder
set SpScripFileName=test.sql

echo %date% %time%  process starts ...  > test.txt
echo %date% %time%
echo %date% %time% applying %SpScripFileName% to %DbName% ...
echo %date% %time% upgrading db schema with %SpScripFilePath%\%SpScripFileName% >> test.txt
"%SQLCMDPath%\SQLCMD.exe" -w 1500  -U%MyLogin% -P%MyPassword% -S%DbServer% -d%DbName% -i"%SpScripFilePath%\%SpScripFileName%"   >> test.txt

echo %date% %time%  -------------------------------
echo %date% %time%  -------------------------------     >> test.txt

Using POWERSHELL, you can use this script from Microsoft Script Center.

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