I have a following given scenario. A user can have zero or more item. A user can comment on the item. (Just simple comment listing with name of people who comment, no need hierarchical structure for replying comment)

And i come out database structure like this. Not sure if this is a good database design

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You design is basic and cover

1 user -> many items
1 item -> many comments
1 user -> many comments

The question is would you like the user to be able to comment on the same item multiple of times? if yes, you do have a good design else we would need to work on it.

  • well, ya. a user should be able to comment on the same item multiple of times. However, i would appreciate if you could provide design for the case where a user only can comment on same item one time in database level Dec 21, 2014 at 14:18
  • Change the User - > Comments from 1 - Many to 1-1
    – szakwani
    Dec 22, 2014 at 10:50

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