Questions tagged [enum]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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PostgreSQL Enum : Search on ENUM type

Defined an ENUM CREATE TYPE currency AS ENUM('GBP', 'EUR', 'USD'); Using this as a type in a table CREATE TABLE if not exists transaction( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , amount NUMERIC(35,...
Nimit's user avatar
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Supertype table with disjoint subtypes in MySQL

I want to have base parent table with few disjoint subtypes. To illustrate what I mean: CREATE TABLE issues ( issue_id SERIAL PRIMARY_KEY, issue_type CHAR(1) CHECK (issue_type IN ('B', 'F')), ...
Vasek's user avatar
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Using PostgreSQL to hold an array of data

I am trying to use a postgreSQL data base column to store values from an array (or point to an enum table which does this). I will get an array of data like ['one','two','five']. The array can ...
tdammon's user avatar
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Is there any performance benefit of using ENUM instead of TinyInt in big data for MySQL?

I read a lot of articles about ENUM. but most of them are comparing ENUM to joins not tinyint. I need fields with 2-5 different statuses. In this situation is there any performance or storage benefit ...
rostamiani's user avatar
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Using an enum as part of an index definition

When I use an ENUM column in a table the ORDER BY uses the ordinal of the ENUM not its value. I wasn't aware of that. So my question is what are the subtle issues when an ENUM is part of an index ...
Cratylus's user avatar
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Using value of a column in another table for ENUM/SET values

I have two tables tbl_events with a column location_id. Then I have a table specifically to hold locations and their IDs,the columns in table tbl_locations are location_id and name. I want the ...
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