Questions tagged [index-tuning]

The process of determining which indexes are useful and which are not.

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Drop unique index of a unique constraint

I'm currently working on a postgresql 15 database. I've created a data table named "measures" with following schema CREATE TABLE measures ( timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, value double ...
Eventeos's user avatar
0 votes
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Index consolidation of two similar indexes

We have a primary table that drives most of the work within our product with many columns. Index 1 has a key consisting of: Column A, Column B, Column C, Column D Index 2 has a key consisting of: ...
Brian's user avatar
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1 answer

How to efficiently get absolute value of a time interval in Postgresql?

I have a huge table in Postgresql-11 like following: CREATE TABLE my_huge_table( tick_time timestamp(6) with time zone NOT NULL, brok_time timestamp(6) with time zone, trade_day date NOT ...
Leon's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Are there any differences relating to query performance between >= and <= vs. Between clause?

Are there any performance-related differences between those two queries? SELECT * FROM `v1` WHERE `siteId`=1008 AND `date`>='2022-10-01' and `date`<='2023-02-01'; SELECT * FROM `v1` WHERE `...
Niyaz's user avatar
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Seeking clarification and recommendations on unexpected patterns in Postgresql index usage statistics

I am trying to prune unused and rarely used indexes based on the following stats: pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_scan: Number of index scans initiated on this index pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_tup_read: ...
Jeff's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Does creating an index and then deleting it return the database to the pre-index creation state?

I'm testing some indexes and want to do a bit of A-B testing on which indexes perform better (primarily the order of the fields in the index and additional fields specified). I have a backup of the ...
Sidney's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Indexing for multiple ORDER BY in MySQL 8

I feel like I have optimized this query to the best of my ability, but it is still slow (usually takes 0.5s - 2s in development). It seems like the ORDER BY is the culprit, as when I get rid of it, it ...
Luck3R's user avatar
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1 answer

Time based incremental load query optimization and index design

Problem I try to optimize an extract/load query on a highly normalized table structure. Extract/load is implementing incremental loading using a datetime column to determine only records which have ...
Clemens K's user avatar
2 votes
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Postgres: One-to-many relationship with WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT not scalable?

I'm currently using Postgres 12. A few years ago, I set up the following model: a lot table with a one-to-many relationship to a line table. My idea was to mutualize data that are common for multiple ...
K.Banks's user avatar
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1 answer

Modify an existing non clustered index or create a new index in SQL Server 2012

I have a table with 150 million records and 8 indexes. One of the indexes is on userId. A lot of the current queries I have filter on userId and therefore this index works perfectly. For one of the ...
lifeisajourney's user avatar
2 votes
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Possible overhead of adding columns in a table without index in SQL Server

My question somehow relates to this one Performance considerations when adding a new column to a big table in Sql Server, but i still think there are a couple of differences so i'll ask anyways. We've ...
Andrey Stukalin's user avatar
10 votes
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SELECT Statement with , * in column list is faster than same statement without *

Situation When querying a database with a SELECT statement with a defined set of columns, the results are received in around 21 seconds. If there is an additional asterisk (, *) at the end of the list ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
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How "trustworthy" is the cost information returned by EXPLAIN in Postgres?

I have a database with a table which is accessed with about 5 different SELECT commands. I tested each one of them with the EXPLAIN ... and EXPLAIN ANALYZE .... The database includes some data (about ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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Postgresql perform sequential scan instead of index scan for indexed column

I'm currently using PostgreSQL 14.0 for windows My target table has a 900k+ rows and my query is using single column filter (status_id). The column status_id is indexed via btree (default) When i ...
starting dba jr's user avatar
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When to use Clustered Index on Foreign Key vs Primary Key?

I am trying to work out where is the best place to put clustered indices on child tables. I have a SQL Server database that looks like the following: Journal Column Type Id bigint identity(1,1) ...
Mark B.'s user avatar
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can date datatype varchar use index as date datatype datetime index?

I have an existing table that have a column date but varchar datatype and also a date datetime datatype example: tbl_name: trx1 columns: trx_id, activity, name, date(datetime) index: date_of_birth ...
Nullified's user avatar
2 votes
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MariaDB counting matching rows in table ~50m rows

Running MariaDB 10.9.4 on Debian 11, I have a table of flights with approximately 50 million rows My structure looks like: id int(11) auto increment flight_number varchar(16) aircraft char(6) ...
James W's user avatar
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Optimizing queries using indexes

I'm doing an exercise, where we have to improve several queries: (30%) Give me FH and FC per month, filtered by the aircraft model (e.g., "777"). (30%) Give me ADOSS, ADOSU per year, ...
Norhther's user avatar
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2 answers

To INCLUDE or Not INCLUDE in an Index

Current Situation I am observing a simple statement that is querying one table and accessing multiple indexes to retrieve the data: SELECT DISTINCT feld16, zahl4, feld12, feld19 FROM object1 WHERE (...
John K. N.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Create Index for specific value in mysql column

I have a column in my table with TinyInt type, which stores millions of numbers ranging from 0 to 50. However a great proportion of them have the exact value of 50. Now I need to set an index to ...
MohammadAli Zeraatkar's user avatar
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Optimizing indexes for large table when ordering and filtering with different columns

I have a table with approximately 20 million rows and ~20 columns, and I'm struggling to index it effectively for a query that filters by one column (updated_at) and orders by a second column (...
Kofthefens's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to optimize PostgreSQL OR query on two indexed columns

I have a large partitioned table that stores monetary transactions between accounts. CREATE TABLE "transactions" ( "from" BYTEA NOT NULL -- sender account ,"to&...
nick314's user avatar
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1 answer

PostgreSQL imbalanced index query optimization

I am having performance issues with my query because the index is heavily imbalanced. I have a column family_id on a table. The table has about 150 million records. This family_id column identifies ...
thijsvdp's user avatar
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3 answers

What is best practice on creating an index?

what is the best practice on creating an index? example 1: createdd_at_indx (created_at) updated_at_indx (updated_at) OR example 2: date_indx (created_at, updated_at)
Nullified's user avatar
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Table design for 1:N relations with ordering and filtering on both sides of the relation in mysql

we have some tables with a lot of records (millions) and try to keep everything up to speed, but on the other hand we are setting our application up in new countries and keep some data per country. At ...
rvdh's user avatar
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2 answers

How to speed up single-column date range query in Postgres?

How would you speed up a Postgres query that's trying to filter on a date column between a start and end date? I'm running a query like: SELECT * FROM record WHERE tag_id IN (1,2,3) AND person_id = 1 ...
Cerin's user avatar
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3 answers

How to split a large table in SQL Server

We have a table that consists of 150 million records and the data goes back all the way to 2010. I'm considering splitting the table into two to improve performance - a history table with data prior ...
Hanro Rachel's user avatar
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Query optimisation postgres

I have one partitioned table and I have some performance issues. Here is DB fiddle with schema and query: Some comments about explain this select. ...
Darii Petru's user avatar
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1 answer

How to optimize index if expected result is limited to 50k?

I have a collection where we are checking the recently active 50k users. The collection has around 1m data. And the query that we are using is this: db.getCollection("UserLastActive").find({ ...
JRA's user avatar
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Query performance tuning on partitioned table

I have a simple table partitioned by Date for each day so ranges are like ('2023-03-07 23:59:59.997', '2023-03-08 23:59:59.997') etc with about few millins records per each range the table is as ...
fox112358's user avatar
1 vote
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Creating a non-clustered index on clustering key with some columns included

I have 3 tables: test_productInfo: contains information about the product test_productCreator: contains all the users in our system test_productOwner: contains information about who is the owner of a ...
lifeisajourney's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Seek predicates with inequalities - Residual Predicate

Could someone please guide me to a better understanding of index seeks with multiple inequality predicates. Consider the following table: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[table_1]( [DBINVHDID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) ...
Sicilian-Najdorf's user avatar
0 votes
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Can a Clustered Index based on a key field be more performant than a non-clustered covering index for a big table

I am researching a DW reporting table that will grow very large. For simplicity, I will show the table as follows: BigTable -------- TableID INT IDENTITY NOT NULL, CompanyName NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL ...
Ross Bush's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is the IN() condition always an equality search?

I am trying to understand if the IN() condition is an equality or inequality search when it comes to indexing. I have been looking on the internet for an answer and have found responses ranging from, ...
MintBerryCRUNCH's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is there a performance penalty when there are two unique indexes on a table with all of the colums in one index are also in the other index?

In my database I have a table with two indexes. There is one unique index #1 on columns a,b which I need for data integrity reasons. I have another index #2 with columns c,a,b that is used for ...
bigchief's user avatar
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2 answers

How to optimize SQL Server query that might be doing parameter sniffing

This simplified query on SQL 2017 takes 40+ sec to complete, I suspect its parameter sniffing issue, but not 100% sure. exec sp_executesql N' SELECT T.[TicketRecId] , T.[Title] FROM dbo.Ticket ...
Greg's user avatar
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Wrong query plan for GIN index

I have the following repeatable case. I have an uuid[] column with a gin index, which stores all unqiue uuids, without doubles and repeats. Test table: CREATE TABLE test ( id serial not null, ...
Sober Proger's user avatar
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Creating an index or not creating an index

I have a SQLite database and a table, which can grow up to 100.000+ rows. I need to query data in the table really (!) fast. There are two ways to query the data. I have an index of type string, ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Can a redundant index improve SELECT performance?

Is it possible that adding a redundant index improves the performance of a query? I encountered a case like that several days ago and since then I've been scratching my head: how? The MariaDB 10.4 ...
jacek.ciach's user avatar
5 votes
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Index Design: clustered index using a DATE

Every once in a while, one needs a check. This is such a time. I have tables that are used for reporting. They are deleted/inserted once a day or multiple times a day to "refresh the data" ...
tbasallo's user avatar
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Indexes to help optimize queries on nested sets in InnoDB?

I represent trees in MySql using nested sets. There are several different "types" of tree and every user can have one tree of each type. The table looks something like this: CREATE TABLE ...
user1031947's user avatar
1 vote
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TSQL Slow Query, not using index as expected

I have a wide table, relatively large, 14,264,775 rows, running on Azure SQL database. The following query is in need of some TLC. IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1/0 FROM dbo.table1 src INNER JOIN ...
Geezer's user avatar
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3 answers

Check index fragmentation without using analyze index command?

I've researched and a lot of scripts need to use analyze index command first. Is there some other way to check index fragmentation without populate those columns in index_stats table? some alternative ...
Astora's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

Order By causes a scan on a large table

I have the following query; SELECT TOP 100 ID FROM [dbo].[TableName] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TypeId = 2 AND DateTimeUTC < '2022-Aug-04 07:02:40' AND DateTimeUTC > '4/26/2022 7:36:36 AM' ...
Tom's user avatar
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Can MySQL use a where clause to inform a join?

For context, I'm using an ORM (ActiveRecord for Ruby On Rails), but having to dip down into MySQL to run some rather complex queries. As a result, it's more difficult to do some things than it would ...
RonLugge's user avatar
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Filtering timestamp record by range

Pasdian's user avatar
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Is a clustered index of 3 columns too big?

My goal is to design a table, that can be queried trough an external id(uniqueidentifier), an internal id(bigint), always in combination with companyId(bigint), userId(bigint) and dashboardId(bigint) ...
fmi21's user avatar
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1 answer

Recommended way to index a timestamp column in postgres?

I have a PostgreSQL table called tickets_details, which has many columns and is constantly updated only on the rows of the current day, it also inserts thousands of rows of the current day that have ...
Cristofer Feliz's user avatar
2 votes
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Optimal Indexing Strategy for Datawarehouse and Data Lake Updates

We have a sql server database we use as a data lake and a datawarehouse. Each table in the database has some standardized definition as we are at 600 or so tables now, so maintenance needs to be ...
Antyan's user avatar
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Effect of deleting index while table is being use in postgresql

What is the effect of removing or deleting a index while the table is being use? sample: from table: order_tbl index: order_id_index(not btree) to need to change it to index:order_id_index(btree) ...
Nullified's user avatar

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