Questions tagged [index]

A database structure that can improve the speed of queries at the cost of disk space and slower inserts/updates. It stores a copy of one or more columns sorted but structures the data differently to allow faster access.

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2 answers

How to gather Index usage information

Following query correctly outputs number of seeks, scans, etc. I have question on understanding some rows in the output. In some output rows of the query, the index name is shown as NULL and the ...
nam's user avatar
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What's the fastest way to query multiple tables at once where each table represents one year of data?

I'm developing an web app based around a database with multiple decades of data with multiple schema changes over the years. Each year of data is released as a zip file containing CSVs named table1....
Tyler's user avatar
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Indexing on ANY queries

I have a table that I am trying to query. Here is the create statement for the table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.TableName ( i integer NOT NULL, t integer NOT NULL, v ...
optimcode's user avatar
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2 answers

sys.indexes - type column

According to official documentation of sys.indexes, type = 2 -->Nonclustered rowstore (B-tree). But the line 4 of the following example taken from online here is showing type = 2 -->Nonclustered ...
nam's user avatar
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How to optimize this query or these many indexes?

What am I doing wrong here? I will post the table structure and indexes first, then the query that is slow, and many others that are very fast (instant). How to optimize that one query to run faster ? ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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How to make a Postgresql function parallelly running?

I have thousands tables with same structure, and I need to add a index on each. In order to simplify my work, I code a function like this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createIndexTD( IN tbl_name ...
Leon's user avatar
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Create indexes for pagination API

I have a table event (id, user_id, category_id, source_id, start_time, is_read) with 8M records. I need to list events with paging for 6 types of APIs below (each API needs 2 DB queries) API 1 Count ...
kietheros's user avatar
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Tune indices when update multiple fields on PostgreSQL

On a PostgreSQL 14.5 database, there is the following table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public."Points" ( "Key" character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT ...
mu88's user avatar
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ASC vs DESC index when querying "smaller than"

I have a table populated very often with new entries. Records older than 2 days get deleted every few minutes with: DELETE FROM ip_log WHERE timestamp < NOW() - INTERVAL 2 DAY This is the only ...
the_nuts's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any differences relating to query performance between >= and <= vs. Between clause?

Are there any performance-related differences between those two queries? SELECT * FROM `v1` WHERE `siteId`=1008 AND `date`>='2022-10-01' and `date`<='2023-02-01'; SELECT * FROM `v1` WHERE `...
Niyaz's user avatar
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Improving the performance of STEquals

We have a table containing all polygons (geometry/geography) of the objects in our application. This is because most polygons need to have a 'geometry' (RDNew) and a 'geography' (WGS84) version of the ...
R. Hoek's user avatar
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Creating a partial index on non-default values and searching all rows in that index in PSQL

If I have a table where 99% of rows with column x has a default value and want to search for a specific value in that column, will creating a partial index on x provide any improvements? For example, ...
forgot_my_keys's user avatar
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Seeking clarification and recommendations on unexpected patterns in Postgresql index usage statistics

I am trying to prune unused and rarely used indexes based on the following stats: pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_scan: Number of index scans initiated on this index pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_tup_read: ...
Jeff's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to disable logging / backups for view indexes?

We have a SQL Server database that uses indexed views to allow for efficient querying of some data that changes regularly (yes I know there's a cost to maintaining the index when the data changes but ...
ChaseMedallion's user avatar
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4 answers

Performance issues after upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

Recently I upgraded MySQL on my server from newest 5.7.x to newest 8.0.x and I imported my entire database with multi-indexes that I created when I was using MySQL 5.7.x. These indexes optimize SELECT ...
Programming Caveman's user avatar
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Large table with too many indexes stalls my app

PostgreSQL version: 13.10 My app has a notification feature, where users have a list of events that happened in relation to them (much like the Facebook notifications). Each notification is a row in ...
SylvainB's user avatar
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How can I utilize an index with a different type or collation in a LEFT JOIN in MySQL?

I am trying to debug a slow query, and when I EXPLAIN the SQL, I get a warning: Warning: #1739 Cannot use ref access on index '[index name]' due to type or collation conversion on field '[field name]' ...
Ben Holness's user avatar
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Query with smaller subset to scan taking exponentially longer?

I have a large table, extrinsics, almost 90GB in size, containing data from multiple blockchains. I have a query which takes almost 17 minutes to run: select * from public.extrinsics where chain_id = ...
Deekor's user avatar
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Secondary indexes vs Using elastic search

When does it make sense to put data in elastic search vs creating secondary indexing on Primary datastore? Elastic search with another primary store Pros: Primary datastore can be optimised for read ...
best wishes's user avatar
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Why don't I get Index Seek for my non-clustered index

Version: Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8 (Azure Managed Instance) I'm working with a table (ActivityAttributes) that has ~190Mn rows. I've created an Index as below. CREATE NONCLUSTERED ...
Amila's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why not use two columns instead of collation for case insensitive data?

I need to store emails (like '[email protected]') in Postgres 15, be able to search them in case-insensitive manner ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', etc are the same), and be able to retrieve the ...
IvanD's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Does creating an index and then deleting it return the database to the pre-index creation state?

I'm testing some indexes and want to do a bit of A-B testing on which indexes perform better (primarily the order of the fields in the index and additional fields specified). I have a backup of the ...
Sidney's user avatar
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Why can't three non-unique indexes be used to enforce a unique constraint?

I have a large PostgreSQL table of 3 columns, I created a separate btree index on every single column. Then, I created a multicolumn unique constraint on the table on all the 3 columns, expecting the ...
Anvil's user avatar
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2 answers

Index for searching in column where the column starts with the provided value

I have a table, where one column contains a substring of an url. It's always the leftmost part of the url without scheme. id domain column1 column2 1 value1 value2 2 value3 ...
Zyberzero's user avatar
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Add composite primary key on existing PostgreSQL table

I have a table on PostgresSQL with millions of rows. The table has columns a and b. I already have a unique index on a and b: CONSTRAINT a_b UNIQUE (a, b) I want to add a composite primary key on ...
gkatzioura's user avatar
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Why my clustered index causing deadlock (Keylocks and Pagelocks)

We are experiencing deadlock 2-3 times a day in SQL Server. Upon analysis, we have found that the deadlock is caused by a combination of keylock and pagelock occurring simultaneously. We are actually ...
Jishnu Chandran's user avatar
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Does simple key value storage on MySQL/MariaDB requires index on key?

I was exchanging with another developer regarding the performance of SELECT queries on a simple key/value table. CREATE TABLE cache ( id BIGINT unsigned not null auto_increment, ...
mperrin's user avatar
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3 answers

EXPLAIN ANALYZE does not show what takes time with my GIN index scan

Context I have a table named companies_establishments that holds ~33M rows. I created a GIN index with trigrams, so I can make LIKE queries much faster. CREATE INDEX companies_establishments_id_index ...
Madeorsk's user avatar
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MariaDB: Using composite primary key and index on the same columns gives strange results

Environment information: Windows 11 10.6.8-MariaDB In SO I asked how can I add a counter within a group. It works quite well ...
giordano's user avatar
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Should you be liberal with create index and add to many "identifier" columns?

After reading about performance a bit in sql I notice that it is quite often suggested to add indices for foreign keys - as often data is looked up through the foreign key. Similarly PostgreSQL seems ...
paul23's user avatar
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MariaDB: defective MyISAM and ARIA Indexes after errorless import of big data file

I have a long suffering with this issue after moving forward from MySQL 5.6 and then MariaDB 10.0. Working now on Debian 11 (Bullseye) with MariaDB "Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.9.5-MariaDB, for debian-...
rawi's user avatar
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Postgres: One-to-many relationship with WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT not scalable?

I'm currently using Postgres 12. A few years ago, I set up the following model: a lot table with a one-to-many relationship to a line table. My idea was to mutualize data that are common for multiple ...
K.Banks's user avatar
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How to avoid 100% CPU on CREATE INDEX

I'm indexing a partitioned table with about 200 million rows, each row is ~1kb in size. I run multiple CREATE INDEX statements sequentially and its pegging the CPU at 100% for 2 hours. Is there a way ...
sm_'s user avatar
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How to see the false positive cases with bloom index in Postgres?

I have tried to reproduce a false positive but it is almost imposible to check for an example in my database. Thats what I did. First create the index CREATE EXTENSION bloom; Then create the table ...
energy's user avatar
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Best indexing strategy for composite primary key with frequently queried columns and occasional additional column [closed]

I have a large table with the following composite primary key: PRIMARY KEY(col1, col2, col3) col1, col2, col3 are queried all the time. Some times (maybe 10% of the time) I get queries for col1, col2,...
Kevin's user avatar
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How can set the column as a primary key with serial type?

In my postgresql: select index from sample; index --------- 1 2 3 1 2 How can set the column index as a primary key with serial type for table sample?And the selected value should be as below: select ...
showkey's user avatar
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MySQL is not using index on query plan with Order By and Limit

I'm trying to understand the behaviour of the MySQL query planner where an index is not used when a query includes Order By and Limit combined. The table in question is big with around 8 millons of ...
jmrivas's user avatar
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Which version of Stratio Lucene Index should we use with Cassandra 4.x?

We are using Stratio Lucene Indexer for V3.11.5 and currently planning to upgrade to V4.x. As specific Cassandra Lucene index versions are targeted to specific Apache Cassandra versions. https://...
Cassandra Thrift's user avatar
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InnoDB - how MySQL InnoDB pages works with underlying OS file system

I've studied and summarized how MySQL InnoDB pages works with underlying OS file system when accessing secondary storage. Would you mind to confirm that my understanding is correct? InnoDB store ...
obanadingyo's user avatar
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Oracle query taking a very long time to execute

I am trying to run a couple of reconciliation queries to identify missed deletes from our change data capture tool, but I need it to run relatively fast... My source and target tables are identical ...
Lauren_G's user avatar
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How "trustworthy" is the cost information returned by EXPLAIN in Postgres?

I have a database with a table which is accessed with about 5 different SELECT commands. I tested each one of them with the EXPLAIN ... and EXPLAIN ANALYZE .... The database includes some data (about ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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Postgresql perform sequential scan instead of index scan for indexed column

I'm currently using PostgreSQL 14.0 for windows My target table has a 900k+ rows and my query is using single column filter (status_id). The column status_id is indexed via btree (default) When i ...
starting dba jr's user avatar
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Create non clustered indexes in background without awaiting the outcome in Sql Server

I have to release a new version of an application. I created two scripts one to move the schema and one to migrate the data. The script contains a long list of queries. The application needs to stay ...
s.demuro's user avatar
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Index on Column with Very Few Distinct Values

I have to query a table of stock prices that includes a column 'split_coefficient' where split_coeffieint is almost always 1.0, but very occasionally is something other than that: 2.0, 0.5, etc. I ...
Daniel Doherty's user avatar
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Is there any configuration not to use index merge in mariadb, if a cardinality of an index is below than that?

There is a table have 2 indexes, called state and CATEGORY, which has a very low cardinality respectively 4 and 24 within 7,110,590 rows in the table. When running query of select statements that ...
soredive's user avatar
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What is the way to know the number of rows a Postgres INDEX currently manages?

In Postgres, I created an index which looks like this: CREATE INDEX foo_idx ON foo (other_id) WHERE a = 1 AND b = 2 AND c = 3 AND other_id IS NOT NULL; Now I'd like to know how many of the 150,000 ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
11 votes
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If you disable a non-clustered index, are the statistics still used?

tl;dr - As the title states - If I disable a non-clustered index on a table, are the linked statistics for that index still used? I'm aware there are many questions about "dropping vs disabling ...
Chad Baldwin's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

indexing multiple columns in a table in MySQL

I am greatly confused about creating an index for a table. Assuming that a table users have 5 columns, id (primary key), name, email, creation date, and update date. id | name | email | creation_date |...
TPArrow's user avatar
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Creating indexes in an amazon aws aurora mysql does have a cost?

I am looking for informations without finding them. If I create indexes in a aws aurora mysql instance, do I have to pay? The only things I found is that you pay for all I/O operations (and for ...
Giacomo M's user avatar
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Query for MAX/MIN of non-clustered index field for partitioned table

We have a table partitioned on a two-year based hash function from the system date at the insertion time (let's call it PartitionKey). It also has a non-clustered index on a single field (Key). We ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
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