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4 votes
2 answers

Efficient database design for multiple price based on quantity and attribute

I have a data sample for products with different prices depending on quantity and attributes. The price might be updated occasionally (not too frequently). PID | Name | Type | Colour ...
input's user avatar
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1 answer

Building an bridge table from existing one with the use of the SELECT INTO

I have one big source table in which attributes are mixed with measures together. I want to make a bridge table from them to allow analysis of the data. Problem (in my case N is actually 22, ...
Lake's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Correct organization of the database structure and selection

Sorry for newbie question. For example, there is some kind of abstract device, we will call the Device class and the tasks for it: Task1, Task2, Task3. For concreteness, I will describe everything in ...
ilw's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Grouping data into 5 minute intervals within a time range

I am trying to prepare data for a candle stick chart. I have some records on MySQL database as shown below: | Rate | Date | |----------|---------------------| | 0.001111 | 2017-11-...
Uttam Rabadiya's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Will NVME SSD speed up heavy queries, e.g. selects at large offsets / table scans etc?

If the database data will be on NVME SSD which let's assume is 4x faster than an ordinary SSD will queries like SELECT something OFFSET 100000 and the like typically also be much faster (of course ...
Mary's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to create function with Return Type as (TABLE student_name string)

I am creating function using pgAdmin4 and the CODE Basically something like BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM teest."students"; END I am just wondering, how do I set the TABLE ReturnType as ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL table partition truncation not to propagate on a slave

I have a table now. It has 7 seven partitions, and each day I truncate a partition(not delete, just empty the partition). I have a use case where I would like to have a full backup of the table as ...
Akashdeep Saluja's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Database Normalization Causing Inefficiency

Note: I am relatively new to managing an SQL database. I have done my fair share of reading, research, and experimentation, but it is possible that I am missing some fairly basic knowledge. I'm also ...
DreamConspiracy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

mysqldump: Got error: 2049: Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)

I need to dump a database from a server that uses the old password hash. It's a shared server and I am unable to change the user's password to the new hash. Attempts with MySQLWorkbench fail with the ...
Eric Nelson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

SQL Server incremental Log backups

We are taking COPY_ONLY (non-truncating) transaction log backups every 2 hours. Our requirement is to take the incremental log backup every 2 hours and not cumulative. I did not find an option in ...
Sandeep's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

checking availability of rooms

I have 3 table in my sql database: Table Room roomnumber roomtype 1 DeluxeRoom 2 DeluxeRoom 3 DeluxeRoom 100 StandardRoom ...
mohamm's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

High CPU system time usage on MySQL server

A little backstory, some time ago we started to experience high CPU system time on one of our MySQL databases. This database was also suffering from high disk utilization so we figured that those ...
chimmi's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

What does `QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS` do, exactly?

There is a really obnoxious feature in SQL Server called QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS and I wanted to know more about it. In short, with the option set to ON, which is not the default with the Linux client, ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Distinct Examples from one Table SQL Server [closed]

I have a item file with one item per record and a detail file with many customers with many descriptions. Each customer can have many items. Each item can have many customers. File 1 ...
Missy's user avatar
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Migrating from MySQL RDS to Aurora RDS with CNAME record

I understand migrating to Aurora is simply a matter of creating read replica from MySQL source and then promoting when caught up and stopping writes on MySQL RDS previous master. I use Route 53 DNS ...
Chris Muench's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Amazon Aurora MySQL conditional comment queries

How does Amazon Aurora handle conditional queries based on MySQL version? I was unable to find any documentation on this. For example, the code below inserts into a database for MySQL 5.6.4 or newer. ...
Chris Muench's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reading decimal mark comma with an external table

SQL Server 2016, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Creating external tables with Transact-SQL and Polybase. How can we read decimals with a decimal mark, comma instead of dot? When using float and ...
SNR's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Inner join returns duplicate results

I need to select data from 2 tables based on 1 filed UID and display some from both tables. Data from first table "a.symbol, a.order_type, a.price_open, a.time_open, a.size", and data from second ...
Mario's user avatar
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0 answers

EMC Recoverpoint works for database?

As a solution for replication, to protect VM, LUNs and recovery including database, EMC Recoverpoint was presented by our vendor. But in EMC paper's, the only one database related example ilustrates ...
Rogerlr's user avatar
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1 answer

how to resolve "InnoDB: Error (Duplicate key) writing word node to FTS auxiliary index table" in mysql

I am continuous getting above error in mysqld log. Please tell me what is this error about and how to solve it. I am using mysql 5.7 (not mariadb)
Sandesh Naik's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I full text search on a datetime column?

I created is a DATETIME column. I also tried to change all Collation's of that table to the same utf8 type but it wouldn't stick. Is it possible to do a FULLTEXT search on a DATETIME column? (%like% ...
Marc Alexander's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to speed up group by

I am trying to speed up the following query, which currently takes 14 seconds: SELECT COUNT(*) AS employee_count, e.jurisdiction_id, e.year FROM employee_employee e GROUP BY e.jurisdiction_id, ...
caseym's user avatar
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1 answer

Assign object owner to a role other than the creator automatically on creation for a database

Background: I'll start by saying I'm fairly new to postgres, I generally work with web apps and I know my way around SQL but I'm new to both postgres and database administration. I have however read ...
Elliot Blackburn's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How do I ensure a relationship is commutative and unique? [closed]

In PostgreSQL, we can ensure the relations stored inside a table a commutative-ly (or bidirectional etc) unique. For instance, CREATE TABLE foo ( a int, b int, UNIQUE ( greatest(a,b), least(a,b)...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

RHEL 7.4, heavy workload(s) and SWAP usage

This might not be the correct board for this, but since I'm a DBA and I'll ask here. I have several RHEL 7.4 servers, running a mix of MariaDB (10.1, 10.2) and MongoDB (3.4). The problem was ...
zstokes's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is the formal definition of a Primary Index and Primary Key?

The below is from Fundamentals of Database Systems (7th Edition) 17.1 Types of Single-Level Ordered Indexes There are several types of ordered indexes. A primary index is specified on the ordering ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Queries running fast most of the time but >100x slower other times

I know this is a very generic question, but if someone can point me to what else I should investigate/check I would greatly appreciate it. We have a view which runs around 15 seconds most of the time ...
ColdAir's user avatar
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2 answers

Retrieve Latest (max) date

Using SQL Server 2008R2, I am trying to pull the latest assessment date for a patient. I have it pulling the correct data I need, but it is pulling all dates. For instance if a patient has an ...
KenW's user avatar
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1 answer

How to dynamically add/remove role members from SSAS 2016 Tabular model

I am developing a number of tabular models, which currently have a limited number of users assigned to roles within each. At the moment, with the exception of 1 or 2 cases, the majority of the users ...
DimUser's user avatar
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1 answer

It is possible to extract Extented Properties using SQL Developer Data Modeler?

I'm using SQL Developer Data Modeler in a oracle server. No problem, I can connect to SQL Server, list tables and generate a really good report. But what I need is to extract the extended properties ...
Racer SQL's user avatar
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3 answers

ZipCode to ZipCode Storage [closed]

I'm working on a project that requires me to allow users to store/edit properties of what they call "path". A path can be any Zip Code to any other Zip Code. The system they have now, utilizes one ...
SysChaos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does an index scan read more pages than exist in an index?

I've been trying out running some queries for a testing scenario and I noticed that when doing a full-scan of a nonclustered index, SQL Server reads more pages than actually are in the index. As you ...
Radu Gheorghiu's user avatar
2 votes
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MySQL InnoDB .ibd file growing extreme

We have a database with a few larger tables were one (yes only one) table grows extremely. It contains only 50 gigabytes of data while the .ibd file (we use innodb_file_per_table) takes up about 1.2 ...
elmo's user avatar
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0 answers

Suggested Min/Max SQL Server memory [duplicate]

I've inherited multiple servers, each containing one database and one instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2. Each server is set to use 12GB min/max memory and has Lock Pages in Memory enabled. The ...
Powellellogram's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

SQL Server 2016 maximum server memory

Does max server memory for SQL Server 2016 contain buffer pool plus in-memory columnstore plus in-memory OLTP, etc. cache?
Pisit Changmai's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Mysql Update Query is not Giving Desired Result

In My Php Code I Have Query As SELECT COUNT(id) AS todayleads FROM `lead_data` where `date` = '$todate' AND lead_status = 1 AND uid = '$userid' OR assign_to = '$userid' When I echo Query it ...
Web Infos's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

PostgreSQL insert not occurring serially [duplicate]

I have come across a problem where PostgreSQL does not insert records at the end of the table (according to id, which is the primary key) So if, for example I have ids like 1521, 1522, 1527, the id ...
trajekolus's user avatar
0 votes
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Error starting mysql service

I'm having trouble on starting MariaDB instance. Here is the error I got: Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
tatskie's user avatar
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how to show row values in column?

i have a database sample that looks like this:- as you can see my student master id is repeated. i want student master id to appear only once (in one row) can corresponding roll numbers to appear in ...
sagar limbu's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I start over? (newbie goof: now I need to start fresh with MySQL) [duplicate]

I'm just starting with MySQL (version 5.7.20 on Xubuntu 16.04), and in playing around with it I changed the root password. Now I can't log in as root -- I either forgot the password or didn't set it ...
4dummies's user avatar
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2 answers

postgres user is not superuser

Im having some problems with my postgresql server. In particular, some databases cannot be dropped. On further inspection, I see that the postgres user is not a SuperUser. There are two other users ...
Magick's user avatar
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Append timestamp to powershell

I am trying to capture some data on CPU activity on a SQL instance. Get-Process | Sort CPU -descending | Select -first 10 -Property ID,ProcessName,CPU The PowerShell above give me the following ...
Halt_And_Catch_Fire's user avatar
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Move local SQL Server DB to hosted SQL Server

I have a SQL Server database here that contains the info for the Gemini Issue Tracking software. It is running on a Windows XP system and I have SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on that system. I ...
Bob Denny's user avatar
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2 votes
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DROP DATABASE fails due to foreign key constraints

This is weird and I haven't ever encountered this. I'm simply dropping a whole database. $ mysql -u $RDS_USER -p$RDS_PASS -h $RDS_HOST -e "DROP DATABASE dev_test" And yet it fails with this... ...
Noel Llevares's user avatar
0 votes
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InnoDB: Is a covering index in the form of (PK, col1, col2, col3) redundant?

Table structure for config: property (primary key) value description Query: SELECT property, value FROM config If I put a covering index on (property, value) the optimizer still chooses the ...
Dan's user avatar
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Issue installing SQL Server 2012 SP4 in a cluster - missing ‘vc_red.msi’

Installed SQL Sever 2012 SP4 (from SP3) on one node of a two-node SQL Server cluster without issue. On the other node it is exiting out of the install with the following message: The required MSI ...
Molenpad's user avatar
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3 votes
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Granting [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] sysadmin on SQL server - Compliance/Best Practice

New to security in general. We have a third party service which runs on SQL server host and under Local System. Since it is running under Local System, they have always given sysadmin privilege to [...
user142278's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MySQL for loop to show grouped results

I'm trying to show results for 12 months using this query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) as customers, SUM(amount)*.01 as amount, SUM(amount_refunded)*.01 as refunded, MONTH(MAX(...
eComEvo's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Preparing a cluster installation fails at Setup Support Rules Step (Not Clustered or the cluster service is up and online)

Today I was trying to install a SQL Server 2008 R2 Cluster environment on Windows Server 2012 R2 servers and after doing all the necessary steps to prepare the cluster (like Creating an iSCSI Virtual ...
Martin Surasky's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to use a gist index on tsrange to check if a time occurs after the range?

table (simplified) Table "" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------...
John Bachir's user avatar

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