I have a source table that looks essentially like this:

  • EmployeeCode
  • WeekStartDate
  • HoursWorkedDay1
  • HoursWorkedDay2
  • HoursWorkedDay3
  • HoursWorkedDay4
  • HoursWorkedDay5
  • HoursWorkedDay6
  • HoursWorkedDay7

The actual table has something like 500 numbered columns (didn't really count them - there are various and numerous fields numbered 1-7, and then another handful numbered 1-25, times 7) per weekday (no, that's not my design), and there are currently something like 38,600 rows (growing every week).

I have an SSIS package that's trying to normalize this data... that currently looks like this:

union all

Each "source" is selecting one set of numbered columns from the same source table, and the UNION ALL component combines the 7 sources into one, resulting in some 258,900 rows.

The rest of the workflow adds some calculated columns, looks up surrogate keys (e.g. EmployeeCode is used to lookup an EmployeeId, and then the date is computed and used for looking up a TimeId), and then the "modified" rows get updated and the "new" ones get inserted into a normalized table; unchanged rows end up nowhere.

Is there any better way (e.g. a bit less heavy on memory pressure) to normalize the source data?

  • 1
    @MaxVernon that sounds about right, but I've never used that transformation, and I'm confused as to what my Pivot Key Value might be here, given I have so many columns to deal with - the docs aren't very clear about how to do this and according to this I'd need... about 20 unpivot operations (given 20 "groups" of fields)? Is that less expensive than my union? Sep 22, 2016 at 21:33

1 Answer 1


Without the full table definition, it is difficult to provide a perfect answer. However, in an attempt to show the differences in a limited repro, with a very small amount of data, I've created the following testbed:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#src') IS NOT NULL
    EmployeeCode INT NOT NULL
    , WeekStartDate DATE NOT NULL
    , HoursDay1 INT NOT NULL
    , HoursDay2 INT NOT NULL
    , HoursDay3 INT NOT NULL
    , HoursDay4 INT NOT NULL
    , HoursDay5 INT NOT NULL
    , HoursDay6 INT NOT NULL
    , HoursDay7 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget1Day1 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget1Day2 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget1Day3 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget1Day4 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget1Day5 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget1Day6 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget1Day7 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget2Day1 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget2Day2 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget2Day3 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget2Day4 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget2Day5 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget2Day6 INT NOT NULL
    , Widget2Day7 INT NOT NULL
    , PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (WeekStartDate, EmployeeCode)
INSERT INTO #src (EmployeeCode, WeekStartDate
    , HoursDay1, HoursDay2, HoursDay3, HoursDay4, HoursDay5, HoursDay6, HoursDay7
    , Widget1Day1, Widget1Day2, Widget1Day3, Widget1Day4, Widget1Day5, Widget1Day6, Widget1Day7
    , Widget2Day1, Widget2Day2, Widget2Day3, Widget2Day4, Widget2Day5, Widget2Day6, Widget2Day7
VALUES (1, '2016-09-18'
    , 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0

Below we are comparing the two queries; the first uses the CROSS APPLY method, detailed by me at SQLServerScience.com, and the second uses the UNION ALL method.

SELECT s.WeekStartDate
    , s.EmployeeCode
    , ItemsByDay.DayOfWeekName
    , ItemsByDay.HoursWorked
    , ItemsByDay.Widget1
    , ItemsByDay.Widget2
FROM #src s
CROSS APPLY (VALUES ('Sunday', HoursDay1, Widget1Day1, Widget2Day1)
    , ('Monday', HoursDay2, Widget1Day2, Widget2Day2)
    , ('Tuesday', HoursDay3, Widget1Day3, Widget2Day3)
    , ('Wednesday', HoursDay4, Widget1Day4, Widget2Day4)
    , ('Thursday', HoursDay5, Widget1Day5, Widget2Day5)
    , ('Friday', HoursDay6, Widget1Day6, Widget2Day6)
    , ('Saturday', HoursDay7, Widget1Day7, Widget2Day7)
    ) ItemsByDay(DayOfWeekName, HoursWorked, Widget1, Widget2);

SELECT s.EmployeeCode
    , s.WeekStartDate
    , 'Sunday'
    , s.HoursDay1
    , s.Widget1Day1
    , s.Widget2Day1
FROM #src s
SELECT s.EmployeeCode
    , s.WeekStartDate
    , 'Monday'
    , s.HoursDay2
    , s.Widget1Day2
    , s.Widget2Day2
FROM #src s
SELECT s.EmployeeCode
    , s.WeekStartDate
    , 'Tuesday'
    , s.HoursDay3
    , s.Widget1Day3
    , s.Widget2Day3
FROM #src s
SELECT s.EmployeeCode
    , s.WeekStartDate
    , 'Wednesday'
    , s.HoursDay4
    , s.Widget1Day4
    , s.Widget2Day4
FROM #src s
SELECT s.EmployeeCode
    , s.WeekStartDate
    , 'Thursday'
    , s.HoursDay5
    , s.Widget1Day5
    , s.Widget2Day5
FROM #src s
SELECT s.EmployeeCode
    , s.WeekStartDate
    , 'Friday'
    , s.HoursDay6
    , s.Widget1Day6
    , s.Widget2Day6
FROM #src s
SELECT s.EmployeeCode
    , s.WeekStartDate
    , 'Saturday'
    , s.HoursDay7
    , s.Widget1Day7
    , s.Widget2Day7
FROM #src s;

First thing to note, the CROSS APPLY is easier to look at. This already makes me happy.

Lets check the execution plans for the two variants:

enter image description here

The UNION ALL variant scans the source table 7 times, whereas the CROSS APPLY uses a single table scan. By using the cross apply, we're #Winning.

Let's add more data:

/* create a table with 2 years worth of week start dates */
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Weeks') IS NULL
        WeekStart DATE NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO #Weeks (WeekStart)
    SELECT TOP(104) DATEADD(DAY, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY o1.name) - 1) * 7, '2016-01-03')
    FROM sys.objects o1
        CROSS JOIN sys.objects o2;

/* remove the single row from the source table we inserted above */

/* insert a load of rows into the #src table */
INSERT INTO #src (EmployeeCode, WeekStartDate, HoursDay1, HoursDay2, HoursDay3, HoursDay4, HoursDay5, HoursDay6, HoursDay7)
    , w.WeekStart
    , 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0
FROM #Weeks w
    CROSS JOIN sys.objects o1;

On my system the above code generated around 85,000 rows. The plans for the two queries are now:

enter image description here

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer shows the following summary information, which is invaluable:

enter image description here

This says the CPU is used more intensively by the CROSS APPLY, however there is 7 times more I/O used by the UNION ALL variant.

  • 2
    Awesome, never seen CROSS APPLY used like this! FWIW it's 118x7 columns I'm combining here (I know, it's completely indecent!); the single table-scan issued 270,179 rows in 48 seconds - I'm shoving that query into a view and using that as my SSIS source now! Sep 26, 2016 at 19:43
  • Just did a comparison with UNION ALL (took a while to alias all 118x7 columns!)... 7 table-scans issues 270,179 rows in ...20 seconds. And now I'm torn :( Sep 26, 2016 at 20:06
  • LOL, maybe try the cross apply again. Perhaps the data was not cached the first time?
    – Hannah Vernon
    Sep 26, 2016 at 20:17
  • hmm that's right - 24-26 seconds now, and the rows start streaming in immediately. Based on your I/O vs CPU profiling I'm going to go with the CROSS APPLY, these 5-6 seconds are sparing a toll on the server aren't they? Sep 26, 2016 at 20:23
  • You should be seeing about 7x less I/O with the CROSS APPLY. That's typically a good thing.
    – Hannah Vernon
    Sep 27, 2016 at 2:30

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