I have a function like this in Postgres 9.5:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_func (p1 date, p2 integer, p3 integer, p4 integer) RETURNS
SETOF some_datum AS $func$
                RETURN QUERY
                with t as (
                    select p4, postcode, p1, rent * 12 * 100 / nullif(price, 0) as result
                      FROM crosstab (
                          select postcode::text, indicator::int, value::float
                          from my_data
                          where (indicator = p2 or indicator = p3) and date = p1
                          order by 1,2
                      AS ct (
                        "postcode" text,
                        "price" float,
                        "rent" float)
                select * from t where result is not null;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

When I load it with PSQL I get back the error:

ERROR:  column "p2" does not exist
LINE 4:                           where (indicator = p2 ...
                          select postcode::text, indicator::int, value::float
                          from my_data
                          where (indicator = p2 or indicator = p3) and date = p1
                          order by 1,2

I tried to prefix the p2 etc with my_func. but it doesn't work. How can I refer to a function parameter in that context?

1 Answer 1


Crosstab just sees a string, so send a good string.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_func (p1 date, p2 integer, p3 integer, p4 integer) RETURNS
SETOF some_datum AS $func$
                RETURN QUERY
                WITH t AS (
                    SELECT p4, postcode, p1, rent * 12 * 100 / nullif(price, 0) as result
                      FROM crosstab (
                            SELECT postcode::text, indicator::int, value::float
                            FROM my_data
                            WHERE (indicator = %s or indicator = %s)
                              AND date = '%s'
                            ORDER BY 1,2
                      AS ct (
                        "postcode" text,
                        "price" float,
                        "rent" float)
                select * from t where result is not null;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Btw, if you're going to used named params, p1, p2, p3, etc are a bad idea. They're already $1, $2, $2. I would suggested at least something a little easier to follow like indicator1, indicator2

  • Yes the variables have different names (I just stripped out the query as too long). Also, it should be date = %s like date = '%s'?
    – Randomize
    Jul 5, 2017 at 14:33
  • @Randomize No single quotes, that's the purpose of the format(%s) it does literal escaping (%I does identifier escaping). Jul 5, 2017 at 16:00
  • strange, I get an error without and it works with quotes.
    – Randomize
    Jul 5, 2017 at 16:02
  • I take that back, it requires single quotes if the parameter types are strings. my bad. Jul 5, 2017 at 16:04
  • @Randomize only date should need the quotes btw. Jul 5, 2017 at 16:06

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