In a PG10 database, I have a table called ToDos where I have defined a jsonb field called tags.

Records look like

| ID |  Name           | Tags                                    |
| 1  | mow the lawn    |[{"name": "Saturday", "scope": "system"},|
|    |                 | {"name": "favorite", "scope": "user"}]  |
| 2  | paint the fence |[{"name": "Monday", "scope": "system"}]  |

Now I'm trying to write a query that returns something like

| ID |  Name           | Tag Name   | Tag Scope |
| 1  | mow the lawn    | Saturday   | system    |
| 1  | mow the lawn    | favorite   | user      |
| 2  | paint the fence | Monday     | system    |

But I'm having a hard time decomposing the jsonb field. Any ideas?


1 Answer 1


You need to unnest the array then extract the keys as columns from the resulting JSON values:

select td.id, td.name, tg.tag_data ->> 'name' as tag_name, tg.tag_data ->> 'scope' as scope
from todos td
  cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(td.tags) as tg(tag_data)
order by td.id;

Online example: http://rextester.com/DWYIJ81620


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