I seem to remember that (on Oracle) there is a difference between uttering select count(*) from any_table
and select count(any_non_null_column) from any_table
What are the differences between these two statements, if any?
This means COUNT(any_non_null_column)
will give the same as COUNT(*)
of course because there are no NULL values to cause differences.
Generally, COUNT(*)
should be better because any index can be used because COUNT(column_or_expression)
may not be indexed or SARGable
From ANSI-92 (look for "Scalar expressions 125
a) If COUNT(*) is specified, then the result is the cardinality of T.
b) Otherwise, let TX be the single-column table that is the result of applying the <value expression> to each row of T and eliminating null values. If one or more null values are eliminated, then a completion condition is raised: warning- null value eliminated in set function.
The same rules apply to SQL Server and Sybase too at least
Note: COUNT(1) is the same as COUNT(*) because 1 is a non-nullable expression.
is used.
, COUNT(<constant>)
and COUNT(<column name>)
and that all three could be prefixed with ALL
(defaulting to ALL
if omitted). I'm just wondering what expression can be used where you say _or_expression
Jul 27, 2016 at 10:26
as a useless example, it's the same as COUNT(*)
as an example that count rows where a>b.
Oct 28, 2016 at 18:39
In any recent (ie 8.x+) version of Oracle they do the same thing. In other words the only difference is semantic:
select count(*) from any_table
is easily readable and obvious what you are trying to do, and
select count(any_non_null_column) from any_table
is harder to read because
really is enforced as not null
In short, use count(*)
In a recent version there is indeed no difference between count(*) and count(any not null column), with the emphasize on not null :-) Have incidentally covered that topic with a blog post: Is count(col) better than count(*)?
In the book Oracle8i Certified Professional DBA Certification Exam Guide (ISBN 0072130601), page 78 says COUNT(1) will actually run faster that COUNT(*) because certain mechanisms are called into play for checking the data dictionary for the every column's nullability (or at least the first column with non-nullability) when using COUNT(*). COUNT(1) bypasses those mechanisms.
MySQL cheats for 'SELECT COUNT(1) on tblname;' on MyISAM tables by reading the table header for the table count. InnoDB counts every time.
To test whether COUNT(1) will run faster than COUNT(*) in a database agnostic way, just run the following and judge the running time for yourself:
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblname WHERE 1 = 1;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblname WHERE 1 = 1;
SELECT COUNT(column-name) FROM tblname WHERE 1 = 1;
This makes the COUNT function operate on the same level playing field regardless of storage engine or RDBMS.