I'm having trouble with ON CONFLICT not working for foreign key columns where the foreign key is compound. Here's an example.

create table foreign_table (
   id_a text    not null,
   id_b text    not null,
   id   integer primary key,
   constraint ft_a_b_key unique (id_a, id_b)

create table my_table (
   id          integer,
   ftable_id_a text,
   ftable_id_b text,
   constraint my_table_a_b_fk
      foreign key (ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) references foreign_table (id_a, id_b)

Using this query:

insert into tcell_test.my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) 
    values (3, 'a3', 'b3') on conflict do nothing ;

where, say, 'a3' isn't in foreign_table, I would expect the ON CONFLICT to handle the error.

Instead I get the error:

[23503] ERROR: insert or update on table "my_table" 
   violates foreign key constraint "my_table_a_b_fk" 
Detail: Key (ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b)=(a3, b3) 
   is not present in table "foreign_table".

Is there a way to correct this so ON CONFLICT handles the error?

  • 5
    AFAIK, what you describe is not a conflict. The construction is a way to handle UNIQUE constraint violations, not constraint violations in general. Nov 9, 2019 at 1:10
  • If I understand correctly that you want to insert the given row only if the FK constraint is satisfied and not raise an exception otherwise, then I suggest to change the title accordingly. Something like: "How to skip INSERT rows silently when FK constraint is violated?" And please remember to always disclose your version of Postgres. Nov 10, 2019 at 23:22

2 Answers 2


I think you may be misunderstanding what a CONFLICT is. A CONFLICT is a violation of uniqueness, basically the row that is being added should not be added because another row with the same values already exists.

In your example of insert into tcell_test.my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) values (3, 'a3', 'b3') on conflict do nothing;, the ON CONFLICT condition will never be reached because you have no primary key or unique constraint on my_table:

edb=# alter table my_table add primary key (ftable_id_a,ftable_id_b);
edb=# insert into my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) 
    values (3, 'a3', 'b3') on conflict do nothing ;
edb=# insert into my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) 
    values (3, 'a3', 'b3') on conflict do nothing ;
edb=# select * from my_table ;
 id | ftable_id_a | ftable_id_b 
  3 | a3          | b3
(1 row)

As you can see in the example above, my second insertion into my_table did nothing because there would have been a primary key violation. If I omit the ON CONFLICT clause, I get:

edb=# insert into my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) 
    values (3, 'a3', 'b3');
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "my_table_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b)=(a3, b3) already exists.

The message that you mentioned in you original post (ERROR: insert or update on table "my_table" violates foreign key constraint "my_table_a_b_fk") pertains to a Foreign Key violation (not a primary key/uniqueness violation). This violation occurs when there should be a row in foreign_table with id_a=a3 and id_b=b3, but there isn't. The database expects this row to exist because you have defined that my_table references foreign_table (in other words, my_table depends on foreign_table). Because the row doesn't exist in foreign_table, your insertion into my_table fails. First, insert into foreign_table, and then you can insert into my_table:

edb=# insert into my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) 
    values (3, 'a3', 'b3') on conflict do nothing ;
ERROR:  insert or update on table "my_table" violates foreign key constraint "my_table_a_b_fk"
DETAIL:  Key (ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b)=(a3, b3) is not present in table "foreign_table".
edb=# insert into foreign_table values ('a3','b3',1);
edb=# select * from foreign_table ;
 id_a | id_b | id 
 a3   | b3   |  1
(1 row)
edb=# insert into my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) 
    values (3, 'a3', 'b3') on conflict do nothing ;
edb=# select * from my_table ;
 id | ftable_id_a | ftable_id_b 
  3 | a3          | b3
(1 row)
  • 3
    is there any similar functionality to on conflict do nothing for a foreign key violation?
    – Lumpy
    Aug 25, 2021 at 22:51

If I understand correctly you want to insert the given row only if the FK constraint is satisfied - and do nothing otherwise, in particular do not raise an exception.

This is no "UPSERT", i.e. not a use case for INSERT .. ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING, which only works for violations of unique indexes or exclusion constraints. The manual:

The optional ON CONFLICT clause specifies an alternative action to raising a unique violation or exclusion constraint violation error.


Use an INSERT with a conditional SELECT instead. And possibly add a locking clause.

INSERT INTO my_table (id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b)
FROM  (VALUES (3, 'a2', 'b3')) i(id, ftable_id_a, ftable_id_b) -- provide values once
                                                               -- works for multiple rows
   SELECT FROM foreign_table f                                 -- SELECT list can be empty
   WHERE (f.id_a, f.id_b) = (i.ftable_id_a, i.ftable_id_b) 
   FOR    SHARE                                                -- weakest lock

The locking clause FOR SHARE is the weakest lock and good enough for the use case. Details in the manual. Without locking, there is a tiny time frame for a race condition between looking the row(s) in the EXISTS subquery and the actual INSERT: concurrent transactions might UPDATE / DELETE the FK columns of the row in foreign_table in the meantime, which would result in an exception after all - the thing we want to avoid.

If there cannot be such concurrent writes, you can skip the locking.

Be aware of a subtle difference in type handling introduced with the subquery. With basic data types integer and text and appropriate numeric / string literal input, everything just keeps working. But you may have to cast input values explicitly for other input/target type combinations that cannot be resolved automatically. See:


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