Hello I have a problem with the rollup mysql query. I want to get total of each column. I use mysql SUM() and ROLLUP to get the result. But on the new row that is added it copies the data of the last row. How can I remove those data. I provided an image on what I really needed to achieve.
Here is my query.
SELECT IFNULL(payments.id, "General Total"), payments.driver_id,
payments.vehicle_id, payments.boundaries, payments.cashbond_payments,
payments.loans, payments.penalties, SUM(payments.total_payments),
a.first_name, a.mid_name, a.last_name, d2.date, d.first_name,
d.mid_name, d.last_name, v.plate_number, v2.car_rate
FROM payments
INNER JOIN admins AS a ON payments.admins_id = a.id
INNER JOIN drivers AS d ON payments.driver_id = d.id
INNER JOIN dispatch AS d2 ON payments.dispatch_id =d2.id
INNER JOIN vehicles AS v ON payments.vehicle_id = v.id
INNER JOIN vehicle_specifications AS v2
ON payments.vehicle_specifications_id = v2.id