I'm trying to import a CSV file (';' separated) to a MySQL table. Normaly, I use a SQL like:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'local-path/file.csv'
INTO TABLE tmp_table
It always works fine to me, but now I have a CSV with a text field including many '\n','\r', and stuff like that. When I make the import, apparently, MySQL interprets the line breaks as a new field, spoiling all import.
I'd like to know if exists some method to indicate to MySQL to ignore any other symbol except the ';'.
I'm using MySQL workbench to make the import. My CSV have 3 fields (locale,id,terms) and my table have columns locale - VARCHAR(5), id- VARCHAR(50) and terms - TEXT (here is the problem).
I tried SO, but get no answers. Here I found some similar problems, but apparently is not the same thing, I'm not looking for multiple delimiters, I just want for a way to ignore \n and \r from text fields when I'm importing the CSV.