I would do it with 2 steps: I would create a table template allowing to create as many tables as you want based on that table. Advantage is you only need to modify the table template, you don't need to touch the SP.
Create a table template;
CREATE table tableName_template( ID INT NOT NULL, SNAME VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, SSTATE VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, TIME_STAMP VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, constraint FK_SENSOR foreign key (SNAME) references sensorInfo(SName) on delete set null );
CREATE table tableName_template( ID INT NOT NULL, SNAME VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, SSTATE VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, TIME_STAMP VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, constraint FK_SENSOR foreign key (SNAME) references sensorInfo(SName) on delete set null );
(do not use root !! Create dedicated account) PROCEDUREcreate_tb_one
(In tableName varchar(255)) BEGINUse this codeDELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`xxx`@`localhost` (do not use root !! Create dedicated account) PROCEDURE `create_tb_one` (In tableName varchar(255)) BEGIN If not exists (select 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() AND table_name=tableName ) Then SET @sql = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE ',tableName,' LIKE tableName_template'); PREPARE s FROM @sql; EXECUTE s; DEALLOCATE PREPARE s; END IF; END $$ DELIMITER ;