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Timeline for MySQL backup practices

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Sep 2, 2015 at 8:14 comment added mysql_user 1. You need individual db backups if: A. You see frequent need to re-load individual tables from backups. (I wonder why!!) B. Are all your databases not inter-related. Considering a small database it's okay to use single file. You can always split your dump. 2. You can use --delete-master-logs to purge binlogs with backups but binlog-backup frequency is upto you to decide. You can copy binlogs every hour or two or twice a day or less frequently... Depends on how close you want to be for point-in-time restores!
Sep 2, 2015 at 7:27 comment added tesla747 1. Databases are very small in size. Im going to use mysqldump but should I take as one file containing all the databases or individual? 2. How to take binary logs backup as in frequency? say I take daily full backups after which it has to flush the logs so that new binary log is created and we backup the new binary log. is that right way?
Sep 2, 2015 at 6:27 history answered mysql_user CC BY-SA 3.0