I would like to say that after migration of MS SQL server 2012 Enterprise to MS SQL Server 2012 Express.
For my Backup and restore of "LSN" consistency i I have gone through with headeronly from backup
file to check the "LSN" of full backup file and find out thatseen there is some subtle difference of Database BackupSize and their "First LSN"diffence in DB backupsize as well as in "Last LSN"."LSN"
As per the headeronly TSQL link of all databases.
Let's from Missing Transaction log in chain, Possible to skip andbegining i am going to write down step by step http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlserverfaq/archive/2010/08/26/transaction-log-backup-and-restore-sequence-myths-amp-truths.aspx. what i have done in migration from MS SQL server 2012 Enterprise to MS SQL Server 2012 Express.
I had taken all 3 Audit databases backup in MS SQL Server 2012 Enterprise as on dated 23/12/2015. The MS SQL Server 2012 Enterprise version was
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64)
Oct 19 2012 13:38:57
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)
After successfully Migration From MS SQL Server 2012 Enterprise to MS SQL server 2012 Express . Restored all 3 databases in MS SQL Server 2012 Express. All 3 databases restoreration went successfully as on dated 24/12/2015. The MS SQL Server 2012 Express Version is
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64)
Oct 19 2012 13:38:57
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Express Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)
After working of few days i have taken full backup of all my 3 Audit databases in MS SQL Server 2012 Express as on dated 31/12/2015.
For myself to check out the database consistency with "LSN" and DatabaseSize. I have gone through so many SQL Blog as well as MSDN BOL. And find out this http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/55418/missing-transaction-log-in-chain-possible-to-skip/55445?s=2|0.0920#55445 and http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlserverfaq/archive/2010/08/26/transaction-log-backup-and-restore-sequence-myths-amp-truths.aspx for cheking the "LSN" consistency of log chain.
FROM This TSQL to check 'first LSN' and 'Last LSN' and log swquence
Restore headeronly from disk =N'C:\Backup\AuditDatabase1_23122015.bak'
Restore headeronly from disk =N'C:\Backup\AuditDatabase2_23122015.bak'
Restore headeronly from disk =N'C:\Backup\AuditDatabase3_23122015.bak'
Restore headeronly from disk =N'C:\Backup\TestAudit_23122015.bak'
--First full These above 3 databses backup file with SN 1,3 & 5had taken in Enterprise Enterprise edition
Restore headeronly from disk =N'C:\Backup\TestAudit_31122015.bak'
(as on dated 23/12/2015)--After Restore full Backup file with SN 2,4,& 6 in Express Edition
After the above TSQL find out the headeronly backupWhich details is as follows:-
Here SN in respectively from databse 1,3,5 is a Full Backup , headeronly backup details of MS SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition. And SN 2,4,6 is a headeronly backup details of MS SQL Server 2012 Express to 3.
SN DatabaseVersion DatabaseCreationDate BackupSize FirstLSN LastLSN CheckpointLSN DatabaseBackupLSN
1243532800 706571000000388500000 571000000390600000 571000000388500000 571000000372500000
92480512 671000000080800000 671000000082900000 671000000080800000 671000000064900000
57824256 495000000001600000 495000000002600000 25/01/2015 495000000001600000 494000000027300000
And also to checked Express full backup all 3 audit databases, which i had taken full backup as on dated 31/12/2015
Restore 243532800headeronly from disk 571000000388500000=N'C:\Backup\AuditDatabase1_31122015.bak'
Restore headeronly 571000000390600000from disk 571000000388500000=N'C:\Backup\AuditDatabase2_31122015.bak'
Restore headeronly 571000000372500000from disk =N'C:\Backup\AuditDatabase3_31122015.bak'
Which details is as follows in respectively from databse 1 to 3.
BackupSize FirstLSN 706 LastLSN CheckpointLSN 24/12/2015 DatabaseBackupLSN
243401728 571000000558800000 571000000560900000 571000000558800000 571000000478100000
91956224 706 674000000027800000 674000000029900000 674000000027800000 672000000043600000
57627648 498000000013500000 498000000016700000 498000000013500000 496000000028600000
For all 3 databases combinig i am writing the details. Which is as follows
Databases Backup in BackupSize 14/12/2014 FirstLSN 92480512 671000000080800000 671000000082900000 671000000080800000 671000000064900000 LastLSN CheckpointLSN DatabaseBackupLSN
4 706 (1 DB in Enterprise) 243532800 571000000388500000 571000000390600000 571000000388500000 571000000372500000
24/12/2015(1 DB in Express) 91956224 674000000027800000243401728 674000000029900000 571000000558800000 674000000027800000 571000000560900000 672000000043600000 571000000558800000 571000000478100000
706 (2 in Enterprise) 92480512 671000000080800000 671000000082900000 671000000080800000 671000000064900000
(2 in Express) 14/12/2014 57824256 495000000001600000 91956224 495000000002600000 495000000001600000 674000000027800000 494000000027300000 674000000029900000 674000000027800000 672000000043600000
706 (3 in Enterprise) 57824256 495000000001600000 495000000002600000 495000000001600000 494000000027300000
24/12/2015(3 in Express) 57627648 498000000013500000 498000000016700000 498000000013500000 496000000028600000
Here i have taken the few details of TSQL query results to understand the DatabaseSize and 'First LSN' & 'Last LSN'. In above table there is Respective database comparision results , which you can seen in table.
Hope i am clear to understood to you. What i mean to say that about log sequence number checking of all 3 databases.
How i could understand i have restore my database with consistent "LSN""LSN".