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They're called Delimited Identifiers, and their primary purpose is to allow for special characters and keywords to be used in/as table names

For example, someonesome genius decided the name of the primary table in a database I work with would be master, which is a keyword.

They're really not needed at all except in those cases.

They're called Delimited Identifiers, and their primary purpose is to allow for special characters and keywords to be used in/as table names

For example, someone genius decided the name of the primary table in a database I work with would be master, which is a keyword.

They're really not needed at all except in those cases.

They're called Delimited Identifiers, and their primary purpose is to allow for special characters and keywords to be used in/as table names

For example, some genius decided the name of the primary table in a database I work with would be master, which is a keyword.

They're really not needed at all except in those cases.

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They're called Delimited Identifiers, and their primary purpose is to allow for special characters and keywords to be used in/as table names

For example, someone genius decided the name of the primary table in a database I work with would be master, which is a keyword.

They're really not needed at all except in those cases.