I have a votes table that has many subitems. I have a subitems action table that records what action was performed by which user on which group, on which subitem, on which vote
Users can either cast/uncast/delete/update create on actions.
To find out if a user 'belongs' to a subitem, I used groupwise max. The logic is that among all the cast or uncast actions that has has performed on a subitem, if the latest timestamp is cast, then he has indeed voted on it. If it is uncast then he has not This.
This is what the query looks like :
select act.user_id,act.anonymous
( SELECT sub_item_id,user_id ,max(created_at) as newestAction
from vote_sub_item_action
where sub_item_id =10
AND user_id=910
AND action_type IN('ACTION_CAST_VOTE','action_uncast_vote')
GROUP BY user_id
) as x
inner join vote_sub_item_action as act on act.user_id = x.user_id
and act.created_at = newestAction
and act.action_type='action_cast_vote'
and act.sub_item_id =x.sub_item_id;
Now I would like to get all the subitems that 'belong' to him from a particular vote. The logic of belongs is the same as above. How
How may I do that ?