The key takeaway is that if the column count is too high to deal with manually, you can use the dynamic SQL approach above to construct whatever query you want to use - and you can do that one time and store the result, or have the code generated every time. To generate Rachel's query using dynamic SQL, not much needs to change:
SELECT @sql = N'', @and = N'';
SELECT @and = @and + ' AND t.' + QUOTENAME(name) + ' = m.' + QUOTENAME(name)
FROM sys.columns
WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('dbo.table1_master');
SELECT TOP (1) @anycol = QUOTENAME(name)
FROM sys.columns
WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('dbo.table1_master')
ORDER BY name;
SET @sql = 'SELECT locationID
FROM dbo.table1 AS t
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.table1_master AS m ON 1 = 1'
+ @and + ' WHERE m.' + @anycol + ' IS NULL;';
SELECT @sql;
--EXEC sp_executesql @sql;