theThe code below is a dynamic sql that will give you a list of all alerts in your system.
It works.
There is a temp table in the code for reasons beyond this question.
thisThis question is related to the way I make sure the temp table does not exist, before I create it.
I put a drop table in a try catch block as you can see in the code below.
My questions are:
is there any loss of performance?
any disadvantage in doing this?
why is this not considered generally best practices?
- Is there any loss of performance?
- Any disadvantage in doing this?
- Why is this not considered generally best practices?
I still have some servers sql-server-2008-r2 but mostly my servers are sql server 2016.
EXEC Sp_executesql
begin try
drop table #tmp_sp_help_alert
end try
begin catch
end catch
create table #tmp_sp_help_alert (
id int null, name nvarchar(128) null,
event_source nvarchar(100) null,
event_category_id int null,
event_id int null,
message_id int null,
severity int null,
enabled tinyint null,
delay_between_responses int null,
last_occurrence_date int null,
last_occurrence_time int null,
last_response_date int null,
last_response_time int null,
notification_message nvarchar(512) null,
include_event_description tinyint null,
database_name nvarchar(128) null,
event_description_keyword nvarchar(100) null,
occurrence_count int null,
count_reset_date int null,
count_reset_time int null,
job_id uniqueidentifier null,
job_name nvarchar(128) null,
has_notification int null,
flags int null,
performance_condition nvarchar(512) null,
category_name nvarchar(128) null,
wmi_namespace nvarchar(max) null,
wmi_query nvarchar(max) null,
type int null)
insert into #tmp_sp_help_alert
exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_alert
SELECT * FROM #tmp_sp_help_alert AS tsha --WHERE (
--drop table #tmp_sp_help_alert
N'@_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000)',
@_msparam_0=N'SQLPROD2 Alert - AG Role Change'