This is relatively trivial to do with a correlated subquery. You can't use the COALESCE method highlighted in the blog post you mention unless you extract that to a user-defined function (or unless you only want to return one row at a time). Here is how I typically do this:
id INT,
row_num INT,
customer_code VARCHAR(32),
comments VARCHAR(32)
INSERT @x SELECT 1,1,'Dilbert','Hard'
UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,'Dilbert','Worker'
UNION ALL SELECT 2,1,'Wally','Lazy';
SELECT id, customer_code, comments = STUFF((SELECT ' ' + comments
FROM @x AS x2 WHERE id =
ORDER BY row_num
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
FROM @x AS x
GROUP BY id, customer_code
If you have a case where the data in comments could contain unsafe-for-XML characters (>
, <
, &
), you should change this:
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
To this more elaborate approach:
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('N'(./text())[1]', 'varcharN'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')
(Be sure to use the right destination data type, varchar
or nvarchar
, and the right length, and prefix all string literals with N
if using nvarchar