In our games we have a quartely league system. Every 3 months, the current season ends and all scorings of the current quarter are archived into a table called archive_league. Each entry represents a user and his score for a given league quarter. It comes with the following fields:
id - the id of an entry
uid - the id of a user
rounds - the number of games the user played in the given quarter
score - the score of the user for the given quarter
rank - the position of the player, descending by score, in the given quarter
date - the date of the quarter this entry represents
My goal is to go through all entries for a given date and assign the field "rank" for results. For example the player with the highest score should receive rank = 1, 2nd highest score rank = 2 and so on. If 2 players share the same score, they should receive the same rank (olympic scoring).
player x with score 528 receives rank 7
player y with score 528 receives rank 7
player z with score 529 receives rank 9
I am currently achieving this goal with this query:
UPDATE archive_league
COUNT(id) + 1
archive_league x
x.score > t.score
AND = :rankquarter) AS new_rank
archive_league t) AS temp USING (id)
rank = new_rank
date = :rank;quarter;
The problem is, however, with some hundreds of thousands of entries, this query runs for a couple of days, even though I have created indexes for the WHERE conditions. How can I optimize this query to run faster?