I'd start with keeping the index to the columns that would assist the WHERE clause but not be included in the modified columns.
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx ON [dbo].[fees](feeID,endDate)
You don't have any VARCHARS so an UPDATE won't alter the CLUSTERED INDEX hierarchy and not require a modification to the NON Clustered Index.
The UPDATE statement is overwriting Values with the same value (this generates unnecessary overhead if the columns live in additional indexes). If you change your UPDATE statement to
UPDATE dbo.fees
SET amount = @amount,
currencyCode = @currencyCode,
feeType = @feeType,
countryCode = @countryCode,
gatewayCode = @gatewayCode,
mandatory = @mandatory
feeID = @feeID
and endDate = @endDate
and programAP = @programAP
and programED = @programED
and programEX = @programEX
and (countryCode = @countryCode or countryCode IS NULL)
and (gatewayCode = @gatewayCode or gatewayCode IS NULL)
Then you could introduce programAP, programED and programEX to the Index without incurring Index Update overhead.
Once you're happy with your UPDATE statement and you have a list of columns for your index, the first key column to include should be the one with the most varied number of values. Statistics for an index are only based on the first column of the index, and you want to help SQL narrow down to the smallest sub-set of rows possible. The rest is down to experimenting in your environment.