Our company is looking for functionalilty/or automated way to archive data in SQL Server. Currently, we create archive tables with identity surrogate, and develop stored procedures to import data. We are conducting this for 100+ tables, data is 2 years or older. Does SQL Server have functionality or automated way to archive data (Wizard tool, UI) or does person have to develop stored procedures? I am thinking of creating dynamic sql to write script for 100+ tables.
-- If no functionality exists, will create dynamic sql for tables using template below
create table dbo.CustomerTransaction
CustomerTransactionId bigint primary key identity(1,1) not null ,
CustomerName varchar(255) null ,
ProductName varchar(255) null,
Quantity int null ,
CreateDatetimestamp datetime not null
create table dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive
CustomerTransactionArchiveId bigint primary key identity(1,1) not null ,
CustomerTransactionId bigint null,
CustomerName varchar(255) null ,
ProductName varchar(255) null,
Quantity int null ,
CreateDatetimestamp datetime not null
create procedure dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive
declare rowmin bigint = (Select min(CustomerTransactionId) from dbo.CustomerTransaction where Createdatetimestamp < dateadd(year,-2,CreateDatetimestamp ))
declare rowmax bigint = (Select max(CustomerTransactionId) from dbo.CustomerTransaction where Createdatetimestamp < dateadd(year,-2,CreateDatetimestamp ))
declare rowcounter bigint = rowcountermin
-- insert into 100,000 record block, do not want to lock too many pages in table
while rowcounter <= rowmax
insert into dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive (
select * from dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive
where CustomerTransactionId between rowcounter and (rowcounter +100000)
and Createdatetimestamp < dateadd(year,-2,CreateDatetimestamp ))
rowcounter = rowcounter + 100001
Archive tables will be in different database