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corrected query
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You need to execute following query to get the hostname:

selectSELECT inet_server_addr();boot_val,reset_val
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name='listen_addresses';;

You need to execute following query to get the hostname:

select inet_server_addr();

You need to execute following query to get the hostname:

SELECT boot_val,reset_val
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name='listen_addresses';;
updated to correct function
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You need to execute following query to get the hostname:

select inet_client_addrinet_server_addr();

You need to execute following query to get the hostname:

select inet_client_addr();

You need to execute following query to get the hostname:

select inet_server_addr();
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You need to execute following query to get the hostname:

select inet_client_addr();