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Oct 30, 2018 at 9:48 comment added carlDev sp_blitzcache helped to see me that we used forced parameterization and did not need it (at that point)
Oct 26, 2018 at 12:40 comment added carlDev First of all let me bow and say thank you for your blogpost. They are a daily highlight. :) The power of the server is most likely irrelevent. The rebuild happens on a range of different machines or even my own laptop. About the setup queries: The first script is a "CREATE DATABASE" script which creates the db and through alter statements does the first setup. After this it's seperate scripts for schemas, rules, datatypes, tables, etc. followed by test-data. This is one area to optimze: I am thinking about leaving trigger and indexes for last. Using sp_blitzcache is a great idea! Will try!
Oct 26, 2018 at 11:11 history answered Brent Ozar CC BY-SA 4.0