Hope you're doing well. I'm new to PL/SQL and I'm trying to write a function to receive a number and return it'sits binary format . This is what I've developed so far and it's ok for inputs : 4,8,16 but it does not return correct binary format for other numbers. I could not find the problem and I was wondering if you could find the problem . thanks in advance.?
create or replace function Show_Binary(i_Number in Number) Return Varchar2
V_Binary varchar2(50) := '';
i_Number2 Number := i_Number;
While i_Number2>=2 LOOP
V_Binary := V_Binary || Remainder(i_Number2, 2);
i_Number2 := i_Number2 / 2;
V_Binary := V_Binary || TO_CHAR(i_Number2);
select reverse (V_Binary) into V_Binary from dual;
return (V_Binary);