I liked the "array" answer so much I wanted to add a complete example for PostgreSQL 9.3, using the generic information schema. This allows us to keep the correlated subquery, and all of it's power. I'll definitely keep this in my back pocket.
Note that the array elements can't have mixed types, at least on 9.3.
table_data.column_data[2] AS num_fields,
table_data.column_data[3] AS min_column
SELECT table_schema,
(SELECT ARRAY[c.table_name, COUNT(1)::text, MIN(c.column_name)]
FROM information_schema.columns c
WHERE c.table_name = t.table_name
AND c.table_schema = t.table_schema
GROUP BY c.table_name
) AS column_data
FROM information_schema.tables t
WHERE table_schema = 'information_schema'
AND table_name LIKE 'column%'
) AS table_data;
table_schema | table_name | num_fields | min_column
information_schema | column_domain_usage | 7 | column_name
information_schema | column_privileges | 8 | column_name
information_schema | column_udt_usage | 7 | column_name
information_schema | columns | 44 | character_maximum_length
information_schema | column_options | 6 | column_name