We had an issue earlier on in the week whereby a query had horribly regressed and as a result, it had completely taken over the SQL instance (OLTP Server) as it is frequently executed. One of the outcomes of the incident was that we were to consider disabling AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS, allowing for the the overnight maintenance jobs to handle statistics updates, and keep stats static during the day. The arguement for disabling statistics updates is that it will ensure that we retain the same consistent plans. By default my preference is not to do that, and more proactively monitor memory grants, and memory used, using query store and/or extended events, and to alert when significant issues occur. I had looked around and couldn't really find any instances where people had blogged/posted about disabling this option and the sucesses of it. My question is are the any noted instances that people have of success of disabling statistics/ please can people relay successful implementations of doing so?