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Paul White
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My stored procedure takes a productCreatorId or multiple productCreatorIds and a sort key and returns the first 1000 rows from test_productInfo(all columns) sorted by the sort key passed in. Unfortunately, I do have to select everything.

My stored procedure takes a productCreatorId or multiple productCreatorIds and a sort key and returns the first 1000 rows from test_productInfo(all columns) sorted by the sort key passed in.

My stored procedure takes a productCreatorId or multiple productCreatorIds and a sort key and returns the first 1000 rows from test_productInfo(all columns) sorted by the sort key passed in. Unfortunately, I do have to select everything.

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--drop table test_productInfo
--drop table test_productOwner
--drop table test_productCreator

Create Table test_productInfo
productId uniqueIdentifier Primary Key,
productName varchar(100),
productRegion varchar(100),
productCreatedDt Datetime,
productUpdatedDt  Datetime,
productStatus varchar(100),
isProductsold bit,
productLineNumber Int,
productLineId uniqueIdentifier,
productAddress varchar(100),
productAddress2 varchar(100),
productCity varchar(100),
productState varchar(100),
productCountry varchar(100),
productZip  Varchar(100),
productLatitude varchar(100),
productLongitude varchar(100)

Create Table test_productOwner
productOwnerId Int Identity(1,1),
productId uniqueIdentifier,
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier,
Createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

Create Table test_productCreator 
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier primary key,
productCreatorName varchar(100),
createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

ALTER TABLE test_productOwner ADD CONSTRAINT PK_test_productOwner PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED(productOwnerId)
create clustered index ix_test_productOwner_productId On dbo.test_productOwner(productId)
create nonclustered index ix_test_productOwner_test_productCreatorId On dbo.test_productOwner(productCreatorId)

/* Insert data */
Declare @i int = 1, @j int = 1
Declare @newIdi uniqueidentifier, @newIdj uniqueidentifier

While @i < 100
set @newIdi = newid()

Insert Into dbo.test_productCreator values (@newIdi, 'ABC'+convert(varchar(10),@i), getdate(),getdate())

    while @j <= 2300
        set @newIdj = newId()
        Insert Into dbo.test_productInfo values (@newIdj, 'ProductName'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Region1',getdate(),getdate(),'completed', 1, @i,newId()
        ,'Address1'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Address2'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'los angeles','ca','USA','22231','26.45','33.23')
        insert into dbo.test_productOwner values (@newIdj, @newIdi, getdate(), getdate())
        set @j = @j + 1
set @i = @i + 1
set @j = 1
**CURRENT Query:**

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Select p_pi.*
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS

**MODIFIED Query:**
create nonclustered index idx_non_productInfo on dbo.productInfo(productId) include(productUpdatedDt, productCreatedDt, productName)

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)
Create Table #tmpProduct (productId uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Insert Into #tmpProduct
Select p_pi.productId
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS

Select p_pi.*
from #tmpProduct tmp_pi
join test_productInfo p_pi
on tmp_pi.productId = p_pi.productId
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName

If object_id('tempdb..#tmpProduct') is not null
drop table #tmpProduct

--drop table test_productInfo
--drop table test_productOwner
--drop table test_productCreator

Create Table test_productInfo
productId uniqueIdentifier Primary Key,
productName varchar(100),
productRegion varchar(100),
productCreatedDt Datetime,
productUpdatedDt  Datetime,
productStatus varchar(100),
isProductsold bit,
productLineNumber Int,
productLineId uniqueIdentifier,
productAddress varchar(100),
productAddress2 varchar(100),
productCity varchar(100),
productState varchar(100),
productCountry varchar(100),
productZip  Varchar(100),
productLatitude varchar(100),
productLongitude varchar(100)

Create Table test_productOwner
productOwnerId Int Identity(1,1),
productId uniqueIdentifier,
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier,
Createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

Create Table test_productCreator 
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier primary key,
productCreatorName varchar(100),
createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

ALTER TABLE test_productOwner ADD CONSTRAINT PK_test_productOwner PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED(productOwnerId)
create clustered index ix_test_productOwner_productId On dbo.test_productOwner(productId)
create nonclustered index ix_test_productOwner_test_productCreatorId On dbo.test_productOwner(productCreatorId)

/* Insert data */
Declare @i int = 1, @j int = 1
Declare @newIdi uniqueidentifier, @newIdj uniqueidentifier

While @i < 100
set @newIdi = newid()

Insert Into dbo.test_productCreator values (@newIdi, 'ABC'+convert(varchar(10),@i), getdate(),getdate())

    while @j <= 2300
        set @newIdj = newId()
        Insert Into dbo.test_productInfo values (@newIdj, 'ProductName'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Region1',getdate(),getdate(),'completed', 1, @i,newId()
        ,'Address1'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Address2'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'los angeles','ca','USA','22231','26.45','33.23')
        insert into dbo.test_productOwner values (@newIdj, @newIdi, getdate(), getdate())
        set @j = @j + 1
set @i = @i + 1
set @j = 1
**CURRENT Query:**

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Select p_pi.*
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS

**MODIFIED Query:**
create nonclustered index idx_non_productInfo on dbo.productInfo(productId) include(productUpdatedDt, productCreatedDt, productName)

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)
Create Table #tmpProduct (productId uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Insert Into #tmpProduct
Select p_pi.productId
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS

Select p_pi.*
from #tmpProduct tmp_pi
join test_productInfo p_pi
on tmp_pi.productId = p_pi.productId
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName

If object_id('tempdb..#tmpProduct') is not null
drop table #tmpProduct

--drop table test_productInfo
--drop table test_productOwner
--drop table test_productCreator

Create Table test_productInfo
productId uniqueIdentifier Primary Key,
productName varchar(100),
productRegion varchar(100),
productCreatedDt Datetime,
productUpdatedDt  Datetime,
productStatus varchar(100),
isProductsold bit,
productLineNumber Int,
productLineId uniqueIdentifier,
productAddress varchar(100),
productAddress2 varchar(100),
productCity varchar(100),
productState varchar(100),
productCountry varchar(100),
productZip  Varchar(100),
productLatitude varchar(100),
productLongitude varchar(100)

Create Table test_productOwner
productOwnerId Int Identity(1,1),
productId uniqueIdentifier,
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier,
Createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

Create Table test_productCreator 
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier primary key,
productCreatorName varchar(100),
createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

ALTER TABLE test_productOwner ADD CONSTRAINT PK_test_productOwner PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED(productOwnerId)
create clustered index ix_test_productOwner_productId On dbo.test_productOwner(productId)
create nonclustered index ix_test_productOwner_test_productCreatorId On dbo.test_productOwner(productCreatorId)

/* Insert data */
Declare @i int = 1, @j int = 1
Declare @newIdi uniqueidentifier, @newIdj uniqueidentifier

While @i < 100
set @newIdi = newid()

Insert Into dbo.test_productCreator values (@newIdi, 'ABC'+convert(varchar(10),@i), getdate(),getdate())

    while @j <= 2300
        set @newIdj = newId()
        Insert Into dbo.test_productInfo values (@newIdj, 'ProductName'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Region1',getdate(),getdate(),'completed', 1, @i,newId()
        ,'Address1'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Address2'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'los angeles','ca','USA','22231','26.45','33.23')
        insert into dbo.test_productOwner values (@newIdj, @newIdi, getdate(), getdate())
        set @j = @j + 1
set @i = @i + 1
set @j = 1
**CURRENT Query:**

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Select p_pi.*
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS
**MODIFIED Query:**
create nonclustered index idx_non_productInfo on dbo.productInfo(productId) include(productUpdatedDt, productCreatedDt, productName)

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)
Create Table #tmpProduct (productId uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Insert Into #tmpProduct
Select p_pi.productId
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS

Select p_pi.*
from #tmpProduct tmp_pi
join test_productInfo p_pi
on tmp_pi.productId = p_pi.productId
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName

If object_id('tempdb..#tmpProduct') is not null
drop table #tmpProduct

Source Link

Creating a non-clustered index on clustering key with some columns included

I have 3 tables:
test_productInfo: contains information about the product
test_productCreator: contains all the users in our system
test_productOwner: contains information about who is the owner of a product(s). A cross reference table between test_productInfo and test_productCreator.

My stored procedure takes a productCreatorId or multiple productCreatorIds and a sort key and returns the first 1000 rows from test_productInfo(all columns) sorted by the sort key passed in.

I have pasted the current query we have below and here is the execution plan for it:

I'm getting back data for 20 users. The current query has sort spilling into tempdb.

I added a new non-clustered index on productId which is the clustering key and included all the sort keys. I modified the query to only select productId when sorting so that this new index can be used and stored the results in a temp table. In a subsequent query I'm adding all the columns required and doing a sort again. This query works well for users who have more than 1000 rows coz' I'm not sorting more than 1000 rows when all the columns are being selected. For users less than 1000 rows i'm hitting the productInfo table twice but I did not observe much of a difference in timing between my current query and the modified query. Here's the exeuction plan for the modified query:

With the new modified query, i'm trying to reduce the sort spills and i'm seeing some improvement especially when there are more than 1000 rows.

Does it make sense to create a non-clustered index on a clustering key with some columns included? is there a better way to re-write my current query?

--drop table test_productInfo
--drop table test_productOwner
--drop table test_productCreator

Create Table test_productInfo
productId uniqueIdentifier Primary Key,
productName varchar(100),
productRegion varchar(100),
productCreatedDt Datetime,
productUpdatedDt  Datetime,
productStatus varchar(100),
isProductsold bit,
productLineNumber Int,
productLineId uniqueIdentifier,
productAddress varchar(100),
productAddress2 varchar(100),
productCity varchar(100),
productState varchar(100),
productCountry varchar(100),
productZip  Varchar(100),
productLatitude varchar(100),
productLongitude varchar(100)

Create Table test_productOwner
productOwnerId Int Identity(1,1),
productId uniqueIdentifier,
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier,
Createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

Create Table test_productCreator 
productCreatorId uniqueIdentifier primary key,
productCreatorName varchar(100),
createddate datetime,
modifieddate datetime

ALTER TABLE test_productOwner ADD CONSTRAINT PK_test_productOwner PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED(productOwnerId)
create clustered index ix_test_productOwner_productId On dbo.test_productOwner(productId)
create nonclustered index ix_test_productOwner_test_productCreatorId On dbo.test_productOwner(productCreatorId)

/* Insert data */
Declare @i int = 1, @j int = 1
Declare @newIdi uniqueidentifier, @newIdj uniqueidentifier

While @i < 100
set @newIdi = newid()

Insert Into dbo.test_productCreator values (@newIdi, 'ABC'+convert(varchar(10),@i), getdate(),getdate())

    while @j <= 2300
        set @newIdj = newId()
        Insert Into dbo.test_productInfo values (@newIdj, 'ProductName'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Region1',getdate(),getdate(),'completed', 1, @i,newId()
        ,'Address1'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'Address2'+convert(varchar(10),@i)+convert(varchar(10),@j), 'los angeles','ca','USA','22231','26.45','33.23')
        insert into dbo.test_productOwner values (@newIdj, @newIdi, getdate(), getdate())
        set @j = @j + 1
set @i = @i + 1
set @j = 1

**CURRENT Query:**

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Select p_pi.*
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS

**MODIFIED Query:**
create nonclustered index idx_non_productInfo on dbo.productInfo(productId) include(productUpdatedDt, productCreatedDt, productName)

set statistics io on
Declare @sort varchar(100) = 'PRODMODIFIED'
Declare @PageNumber int = 1, @PageSize   int = 1000
Declare @prodCreator Table(productCreatorId Uniqueidentifier)
Create Table #tmpProduct (productId uniqueidentifier)

insert into @prodCreator 
select top 10 productCreatorId
from dbo.test_productCreator

Insert Into #tmpProduct
Select p_pi.productId
from test_productInfo p_pi
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName
      OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS

Select p_pi.*
from #tmpProduct tmp_pi
join test_productInfo p_pi
on tmp_pi.productId = p_pi.productId
join test_productowner p_po
on p_pi.productId = p_po.productId
join @prodcreator p_pc
on p_po.productCreatorId = p_pc.productCreatorId
order by case when @sort = 'PRODMODIFIED' then p_pi.productUpdatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODCREATED' then p_pi.productCreatedDt
              when @sort = 'PRODNAME' then p_pi.productName

If object_id('tempdb..#tmpProduct') is not null
drop table #tmpProduct