You can use OLAP or window functions. Example for details, you can add a derived column for type as well:
select *
from (
select id, type, details
, lead(id) over (order by id) as lead_id
, lead(details) over (order by id) as lead_details
from eventLog
) as t
where t.details = 'power on' and t.lead_details = 'cleaning started'
If you want a more generic solution, you can add a table that contains consecutive pairs that you are interested in, and use that in your query
If you don't care for which details that are consecutive, merely that thethey occur several times:
select id, type, details, lead_id, lead_details
from (
select id, type, details, lead_id, lead_details
, count(1) over (partition by details, lead_details) cnt
from (
select id, type, details
, lead(id) over (order by id) as lead_id
, lead(details) over (order by id) as lead_details
from eventLog
) as t
) as tt
where cnt > 1;
You can even look for repetitions of various length, here 2 and 3:
select id, type, details, lead_id, lead_details
from (
select id, type, details, lead_id, lead_details
, count(1) over (partition by details, lead_details) cnt
, count(1) over (partition by details, lead_details, lead2_details) cnt2
from (
select id, type, details
, lead(id) over (order by id) as lead_id
, lead(details) over (order by id) as lead_details
, lead(details,2) over (order by id) as lead2_details
from eventLog
) as t
) as tt
where cnt > 1
or cnt2 > 1;