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Ultimately, you are getting the function name back because that function call is being used to build the index, and not simply the underlying column.

Look at the pg_catalog.pg_index.indexprs column in your query and you will see something like the following, which exposes how the function is indexed:

({FUNCEXPR :funcid 1342 :funcresulttype 701 :funcretset false :funcvariadic false :funcformat 0 :funccollid 0 :inputcollid 0 
:args ({FUNCEXPR :funcid 316 :funcresulttype 701 :funcretset false :funcvariadic false :funcformat 2 :funccollid 0 :inputcollid 0 
:args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 2 :vartype 23 :vartypmod -1 :varcollid 0 :varlevelsup 0 :varnosyn 1 :varattnosyn 2 :location 50}) :location -1}) :location 44})

Ultimately, you are getting the function name back because that function call is being used to build the index, and not simply the underlying column.

Look at the pg_catalog.pg_index.indexprs column in your query and you will see something like the following, which exposes how the function is indexed:

({FUNCEXPR :funcid 1342 :funcresulttype 701 :funcretset false :funcvariadic false :funcformat 0 :funccollid 0 :inputcollid 0 
:args ({FUNCEXPR :funcid 316 :funcresulttype 701 :funcretset false :funcvariadic false :funcformat 2 :funccollid 0 :inputcollid 0 
:args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 2 :vartype 23 :vartypmod -1 :varcollid 0 :varlevelsup 0 :varnosyn 1 :varattnosyn 2 :location 50}) :location -1}) :location 44})
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Where only indices defined with function calls return rows here:

Where only indices defined with function return rows here:

Where only indices defined with function calls return rows here:

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Try pg_get_indexdef, like so:

SELECT pg_get_indexdef(att.attrelid, att.attnum, true)
FROM   pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_class     c ON c.relnamespace = n.oid
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_attribute att ON att.attrelid = c.oid
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_index     i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_am        a ON a.oid = c.relam
   SELECT ARRAY (SELECT opc.opcname
                 FROM   unnest(i.indclass::oid[]) WITH ORDINALITY o(oid, ord)
                 JOIN   pg_opclass opc ON opc.oid = o.oid
                 ORDER  BY o.ord)
   ) opc(operator_classes)
WHERE  n.nspname !~ '^pg_'
AND    c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r', 't', 'i']);
"substring"(content, 1, 5)
round(sequence_no::double precision)
round(sequence_no::double precision)

One should recall that an index can refer to multiple columns, and so can a function require multiple columns as arguments.

That said, by retrieving pg_get_indexdef and applying a little regexp, we can get our arguments

SELECT (regexp_matches(
            regexp_replace(pg_get_indexdef(att.attrelid, att.attnum, true), 
         '\((.+)\)'))[1] AS fn_args
     , pg_get_indexdef(att.attrelid, att.attnum, true) 
     , i.indrelid::regclass::text AS table
     , c.relname AS index_name
     , a.amname AS index_type
     , opc.operator_classes
     , i.indisunique AS is_unique
     , att.attname as column_names
FROM   pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_class     c ON c.relnamespace = n.oid
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_attribute att ON att.attrelid = c.oid
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_index     i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid
JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_am        a ON a.oid = c.relam
   SELECT ARRAY (SELECT opc.opcname
                 FROM   unnest(i.indclass::oid[]) WITH ORDINALITY o(oid, ord)
                 JOIN   pg_opclass opc ON opc.oid = o.oid
                 ORDER  BY o.ord)
   ) opc(operator_classes)
WHERE  n.nspname !~ '^pg_'
AND    c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r', 't', 'i'])
group by
   i.indrelid, c.relname, a.amname, opc.operator_classes, i.indisunique, att.attrelid, att.attnum

Where only indices defined with function return rows here:

fn_args pg_get_indexdef table index_name index_type operator_classes is_unique column_names
content, 1, 5 "substring"(content, 1, 5) file_lookup_4k date5_index btree {text_ops} 0 substring
file_id abs(file_id) file_lookup_4k date2_index btree {int4_ops} 0 abs
sequence_no::double precision round(sequence_no::double precision) file_lookup_4k date3_index btree {float8_ops} 0 round
sequence_no::double precision round(sequence_no::double precision) file_lookup_4k date4_index btree {float8_ops} 0 round