A good way to do this in a relational database is with statement, category, and category_structure tables. The statement represents the line of text. Assume that each statement resides in a single category. A group of statements in a category have to appear in a certain order. Categories include the text groupings including Cardiovascular and Palpitations. The category_structure relates the hierarchy of categories. Each structure has a child_Category, parent_category, and sort_order. A structure is a unique combination of a child and a parent. Here are the table definitions.
PK statement_ID number An autogenerated sequence
FK category_ID number A foreign key to category table
statement_text varchar The long description On a scale of one...
statement_sort_order number The order within a category
PK category_ID statement_style varchar Whethernumber a symptom-style orAn discharge-style
autogenerated sequence
UK category_unique varchar Uniquely identifies the purpose of a category.
PK category_ID number An autogenerated sequence Values could be Discharge. Also, Chest Pain Symptom,
Chest Pain Discharge.
category_description varchar The visible text description of a category. The
values would be Symptoms, Cardiovascular,
Discharge, Chest Pain, Palpitations.
PK structure_ID number An autogenerated sequence
FKFKUK UKchild_category_IDchild_category_ID number foreign key to category
FKFKUK UKparent_category_IDparent_category_ID number foreign key to category. Optional.
category_sort_order number The order of categories or the order within
Note the Symptoms category would be the parent of all symptoms. The Discharge category would be the parent of all discharge. The structure table does not prevent a category from having both symptom and discharge as parents.
I see from the reformatting edit that Chest Pain is both a symptom category and a discharge category. This would still work fine. One option is to make two categories for Chest Pain, one as a symptom, one as a discharge. They just happen to have the same name, but they contain different sets of statements. The other option (reflected in the table design) is to add a field to the statement table describing whether the statement is a symptom-style statement or a discharge-style statement. So the Chest Pain category has both symptom statements and discharge statements. The query would only show the appropriate subset based on the need.