Use the script (reproduced below) posted by Thomas LeeNancySon in the comments of this linkHow to: Rename a Computer that Hosts a Stand-Alone Instance of SQL Server to get some inspiration on how to change these connection strings. Or recreate the maintenance plans.
Maintenance plans don't get their connections changed to the new server name and so they may break. After a rename you may find that you cannot delete or rename the existing maintenance plans, so either delete them before renaming the server and recreate them afterwards or run the following script to fix them:
use msdb
DECLARE @oldservername as varchar(max)
SET @oldservername='<server name>\<instance name>'
-- set the new server name to the current server name
declare @newservername as varchar(max)
set @newservername=@@servername
declare @xml as varchar(max)
declare @packagedata as varbinary(max)
-- get all the plans that have the old server name in their connection string
DECLARE PlansToFix Cursor
FROM sysssispackages
WHERE (CAST(CAST(packagedata AS varbinary(MAX)) AS varchar(MAX)) LIKE '%server=''' + @oldservername + '%')
OPEN PlansToFix
declare @planid uniqueidentifier
fetch next from PlansToFix into @planid
while (@@fetch_status<>-1) -- for each plan
if (@@fetch_status<>-2)
select @xml=cast(cast(packagedata as varbinary(max)) as varchar(max)) from sysssispackages where id= @planid -- get the plan's xml converted to an xml string
declare @planname varchar(max)
select @planname=[name] from sysssispackages where id= @planid -- get the plan name
print 'Changing ' + @planname + ' server from ' + @oldservername + ' to ' + @newservername -- print out what change is happening
set @xml=replace(@xml,'server=''' + @oldservername + '''','server=''' + @newservername +'''') -- replace the old server name with the new server name in the connection string
select @packagedata=cast(@xml as varbinary(max)) -- convert the xml back to binary
UPDATE sysssispackages SET packagedata = @packagedata WHERE (id= @planid) -- update the plan
fetch next from PlansToFix into @planid -- get the next plan
close PlansToFix
deallocate PlansToFix
----- This will also handle the packages that have a tag such as
----- <DTS:Property DTS:Name="ConnectionString">Data Source=servername;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=30;</DTS:Property>
DECLARE @oldservername as varchar(max)
SET @oldservername='<server name>\<instance name>'-- set the new server name to the current server name
declare @newservername as varchar(max)
set @newservername = @@servername
declare @xml as varchar(max)
declare @packagedata as varbinary(max)-- get all the plans that have the old server name in their connection string
DECLARE PlansToFix Cursor FOR
FROM sysssispackages
WHERE (CAST(CAST(packagedata AS varbinary(MAX)) AS varchar(MAX)) LIKE '%Data Source=' + @oldservername + '%')
OPEN PlansToFix
declare @planid uniqueidentifier
fetch next from PlansToFix into @planid
while (@@fetch_status<>-1) -- for each plan
if (@@fetch_status<>-2)
select @xml=cast(cast(packagedata as varbinary(max)) as varchar(max))
from sysssispackages where id= @planid -- get the plan's xml converted to an xml string
declare @planname varchar(max)select @planname=[name] from sysssispackages where id= @planid -- get the plan name
print 'Changing ' + @planname + ' server from ' + @oldservername + ' to ' + @newservername -- print out what change is happening
set @xml=replace(@xml,'Data Source=' + @oldservername,'Data Source=' + @newservername) -- replace the old server name with the new server name in the connection string
select @packagedata=cast(@xml as varbinary(max)) -- convert the xml back to binary
UPDATE sysssispackages SET packagedata = @packagedata WHERE (id= @planid) -- update the plan
fetch next from PlansToFix into @planid -- get the next plan
close PlansToFix
deallocate PlansToFix