myMy plan is to store data in my local mysqlMySQL database and after a time intervelinterval it will update my live mysqlMySQL database remotely. Is it possible? i'm
I'm planing a inventory management script in php mysqlPHP MySQL. but the The real problem is in our country net connection drops suddenly dropped. So iI want to first it will updatewrite to the local mysqlMySQL database and then it will update the real server. so that in In any situation like internet connection dropped the script will work locally to gather data and retrieve data. whenWhen the internet connection camecomes back it will update the data to the real server. iI want to fightprotect against internet connection failures. nothing
Nothing will update the real server in the mean time. cause because the users are only in the office where the internet connection will drop. no No one from the outside will able to update the database. onlyOnly the information can be retrieved from the live server to the shop's owner.