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Hello you can sync your local database data with your live mysql server. I had done it making a local sync file that will present all the tables of the local database that I wanted to update to live database and then calling a call back function in footer file that function calls the function to sync local data to live server Footer.php File


Config.php CodeConfig.php

Sync.php Code syncsync.php contents Also you need to on CURL extension in local site wamp so that it can communicate with the server side, If database record that is already synced to server edited then sync field in DB should be set to 0 so that on edit it can overwrite server DB again.


    class Sync extends CI_Controller {
        private $tables;
        function __construct() {
            $this->tables = array(
                "customers" => array("per_id"),
                "db_log" => array("id"),
                "inventory" => array("tr_id"),
                "material" => array("id_mat"),
                "mtracking" => array("id_tra"),
                "orecipie" => array("id_rec"),
                "moutlets" => array("id_st"),
                "opeople" => array("per_id"),
                "oreceivings" => array("rec_id"),
                "osales" => array("sal_id"),
                "osales_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
                "osales_payments" => array("sal_id"),
                "osales_sus" => array("sal_id", "emp_id"),
                "osales_sus_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
                "osales_sus_payments" => array("sal_id"),
                "osuppliers" => array("per_id"),
            $this->id_store = $this->config->item('id_store');
    }    function index() {
            echo '<br>'.date("H:i:s A");
            $newLine = "\r\n";
            $output = $update = "";
            foreach($this->tables as $table_name => $columns ){
    function index() {
        echo '<br>'.date("H:i:s A");
        $newLine = "\r\n";
        $output = $update = "";
        foreach($this->tables as $table_name => $columns ){

            $col_check = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table_name}` LIKE 'is_sync'";
                $col_exists = $this->db->query($col_check);
                if ( $col_exists->num_rows > 0 ) { // is_sync column exists for this table 
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE is_sync = 0 LIMIT 500" ;
                    $rows = $this->db->query($sql);
                    if ( $rows->num_rows > 0 ) { // where is_sync = 0
                        foreach ( $rows->result_array() as $row ) {
                            $col_val = $update_col_val = $already_exists = array();
                            foreach($row as $name => $val) {
                                if ( is_null( $val ) ) {
                                $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
                                $update_col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                                if ( "is_sync" === $name ) {
                                    $val = 1;
                                if ( "id_store" === $name ) {
                                    $val = $this->id_store;
                                $col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                                if ( $name === $columns[0] ){
                                    $already_exists[] = " `$columns[0]` = '{$val}'";
                                if ( $name === $columns[1] ){
                                    $already_exists[] = " `$columns[1]` = '{$val}'";
                            if ( $nameis_array($col_val) ===&& $columns[1]count($col_val) > 0 ) {
                                //echo $this->table_keys[$table_name];
                                $output .= "SELECT * FROM `{$table_name}` WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " `$columns[1]`. implode(" AND ", $already_exists) . " ||";
                                $output .= '"INSERT INTO `{$val$table_name}'";` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " ||";
                                $output .= "UPDATE `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists);
                                $output .= " ;; ";
                                $update .= "UPDATE {$table_name} SET is_sync = 1 WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $update_col_val) . " ;; ";
                      } // if ( is_array($col_val) && count($col_val)is_sync >= 0 ) {
                           } //echo $this->table_keys[$table_name];
                     if is_sync column exists  
   $output .= "SELECT * FROM `{$table_name}` WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists) . " ||";
            if ( !empty($output .= "INSERT INTO `{$table_name}` SET ") .&& implode$this->post_data(",", $col_val$output) . ") ||";{
                            $output .= "UPDATE `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " WHERE `id_store`$update = {$this->id_store} AND " . implodeexplode(" AND;; ", $already_exists$update);
                            $output .= " ;; ";
                          foreach($update as $upq){
                            $update .= "UPDATE {$table_name} SET is_sync = 1 WHERE " .if implode(" AND ", $update_col_val!empty($upq) . " ;;) ";{
                } // if is_sync = 0
            } // if is_sync column exists 

        if ( !empty($output) && $this->post_data($output) ) {
            $update = explode(" ;; ", $update);
            foreach($update as $upq){
                if (!empty($upq) ) {
            } else {
                echo $result;
        } else {  
            echo $result;date("H:i:s A");
        echo date("H:i:s A");
    function post_data($qry){
            $qry = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($qry));
            $data = "qry=" . $qry;
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL,$this->config->item("sync_server_url") );
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
            curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ( 'Content-length: ' . strlen($qry) ) );
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CRLF, 1);
            $result = curl_exec($ch);
            if ( 1 === intval($result) ) {
                return TRUE;
            } else {
                echo $result;
                return $result;


class Sync_server extends CI_Controller { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->database();

    class Sync_server extends CI_Controller {
        function __construct() {
        function index() {
            if (isset( $_POST['qry'] ) ) {
                $qry = htmlspecialchars_decode( urldecode( $_POST['qry']));
                $qry = explode(" ;; ", $qry);
                foreach($qry as $q) {
                    $q = explode( "||", $q );
                    $exists = mysql_query( $q[0] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error() ."<br/>" . $q[0]);
                    if ( $exists && mysql_num_rows( $exists ) ) {
                        mysql_query( $q[2] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[2]);
                    } else{
                        mysql_query( $q[1] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[1]);
            } else {
                echo "qry not found";


Hello you can sync your local database data with your live mysql server. I had done it making a local sync file that will present all the tables of the local database that I wanted to update to live database and then calling a call back function in footer file that function calls the function to sync local data to live server Footer.php File

Config.php Code

Sync.php Code sync.php contents Also you need to on CURL extension in local site wamp so that it can communicate with the server side, If database record that is already synced to server edited then sync field in DB should be set to 0 so that on edit it can overwrite server DB again.

class Sync extends CI_Controller {
    private $tables;
    function __construct() {
        $this->tables = array(
            "customers" => array("per_id"),
            "db_log" => array("id"),
            "inventory" => array("tr_id"),
            "material" => array("id_mat"),
            "mtracking" => array("id_tra"),
            "orecipie" => array("id_rec"),
            "moutlets" => array("id_st"),
            "opeople" => array("per_id"),
            "oreceivings" => array("rec_id"),
            "osales" => array("sal_id"),
            "osales_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
            "osales_payments" => array("sal_id"),
            "osales_sus" => array("sal_id", "emp_id"),
            "osales_sus_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
            "osales_sus_payments" => array("sal_id"),
            "osuppliers" => array("per_id"),
        $this->id_store = $this->config->item('id_store');
    function index() {
        echo '<br>'.date("H:i:s A");
        $newLine = "\r\n";
        $output = $update = "";
        foreach($this->tables as $table_name => $columns ){

            $col_check = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table_name}` LIKE 'is_sync'";
            $col_exists = $this->db->query($col_check);
            if ( $col_exists->num_rows > 0 ) { // is_sync column exists for this table 
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE is_sync = 0 LIMIT 500" ;
                $rows = $this->db->query($sql);
                if ( $rows->num_rows > 0 ) { // where is_sync = 0
                    foreach ( $rows->result_array() as $row ) {
                        $col_val = $update_col_val = $already_exists = array();
                        foreach($row as $name => $val) {
                            if ( is_null( $val ) ) {
                            $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
                            $update_col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                            if ( "is_sync" === $name ) {
                                $val = 1;
                            if ( "id_store" === $name ) {
                                $val = $this->id_store;
                            $col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                            if ( $name === $columns[0] ){
                                $already_exists[] = " `$columns[0]` = '{$val}'";
                            if ( $name === $columns[1] ){
                                $already_exists[] = " `$columns[1]` = '{$val}'";
                        if ( is_array($col_val) && count($col_val) > 0 ) {
                            //echo $this->table_keys[$table_name];
                            $output .= "SELECT * FROM `{$table_name}` WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists) . " ||";
                            $output .= "INSERT INTO `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " ||";
                            $output .= "UPDATE `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists);
                            $output .= " ;; ";
                            $update .= "UPDATE {$table_name} SET is_sync = 1 WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $update_col_val) . " ;; ";
                } // if is_sync = 0
            } // if is_sync column exists 

        if ( !empty($output) && $this->post_data($output) ) {
            $update = explode(" ;; ", $update);
            foreach($update as $upq){
                if (!empty($upq) ) {
        } else {
            echo $result;
        echo date("H:i:s A");
    function post_data($qry){
        $qry = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($qry));
        $data = "qry=" . $qry;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL,$this->config->item("sync_server_url") );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
        curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ( 'Content-length: ' . strlen($qry) ) );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CRLF, 1);
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        if ( 1 === intval($result) ) {
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            echo $result;
            return $result;


class Sync_server extends CI_Controller { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->database();

function index() {
    if (isset( $_POST['qry'] ) ) {
        $qry = htmlspecialchars_decode( urldecode( $_POST['qry']));
        $qry = explode(" ;; ", $qry);
        foreach($qry as $q) {
            $q = explode( "||", $q );
            $exists = mysql_query( $q[0] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error() ."<br/>" . $q[0]);
            if ( $exists && mysql_num_rows( $exists ) ) {
                mysql_query( $q[2] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[2]);
            } else{
                mysql_query( $q[1] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[1]);
    } else {
        echo "qry not found";


Hello you can sync your local database data with your live mysql server. I had done it making a local sync file that will present all the tables of the local database that I wanted to update to live database and then calling a call back function in footer file that function calls the function to sync local data to live server



sync.php contents Also you need to on CURL extension in local site wamp so that it can communicate with the server side, If database record that is already synced to server edited then sync field in DB should be set to 0 so that on edit it can overwrite server DB again.


    class Sync extends CI_Controller {
        private $tables;
        function __construct() {
            $this->tables = array(
                "customers" => array("per_id"),
                "db_log" => array("id"),
                "inventory" => array("tr_id"),
                "material" => array("id_mat"),
                "mtracking" => array("id_tra"),
                "orecipie" => array("id_rec"),
                "moutlets" => array("id_st"),
                "opeople" => array("per_id"),
                "oreceivings" => array("rec_id"),
                "osales" => array("sal_id"),
                "osales_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
                "osales_payments" => array("sal_id"),
                "osales_sus" => array("sal_id", "emp_id"),
                "osales_sus_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
                "osales_sus_payments" => array("sal_id"),
                "osuppliers" => array("per_id"),
            $this->id_store = $this->config->item('id_store');
        function index() {
            echo '<br>'.date("H:i:s A");
            $newLine = "\r\n";
            $output = $update = "";
            foreach($this->tables as $table_name => $columns ){
                $col_check = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table_name}` LIKE 'is_sync'";
                $col_exists = $this->db->query($col_check);
                if ( $col_exists->num_rows > 0 ) { // is_sync column exists for this table 
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE is_sync = 0 LIMIT 500" ;
                    $rows = $this->db->query($sql);
                    if ( $rows->num_rows > 0 ) { // where is_sync = 0
                        foreach ( $rows->result_array() as $row ) {
                            $col_val = $update_col_val = $already_exists = array();
                            foreach($row as $name => $val) {
                                if ( is_null( $val ) ) {
                                $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
                                $update_col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                                if ( "is_sync" === $name ) {
                                    $val = 1;
                                if ( "id_store" === $name ) {
                                    $val = $this->id_store;
                                $col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                                if ( $name === $columns[0] ){
                                    $already_exists[] = " `$columns[0]` = '{$val}'";
                                if ( $name === $columns[1] ){
                                    $already_exists[] = " `$columns[1]` = '{$val}'";
                            if ( is_array($col_val) && count($col_val) > 0 ) {
                                //echo $this->table_keys[$table_name];
                                $output .= "SELECT * FROM `{$table_name}` WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists) . " ||";
                                $output .= "INSERT INTO `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " ||";
                                $output .= "UPDATE `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists);
                                $output .= " ;; ";
                                $update .= "UPDATE {$table_name} SET is_sync = 1 WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $update_col_val) . " ;; ";
                    } // if is_sync = 0
                } // if is_sync column exists  
            if ( !empty($output) && $this->post_data($output) ) {
                $update = explode(" ;; ", $update);
                foreach($update as $upq){
                    if (!empty($upq) ) {
            } else {
                echo $result;
            echo date("H:i:s A");
        function post_data($qry){
            $qry = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($qry));
            $data = "qry=" . $qry;
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL,$this->config->item("sync_server_url") );
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
            curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ( 'Content-length: ' . strlen($qry) ) );
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
            curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CRLF, 1);
            $result = curl_exec($ch);
            if ( 1 === intval($result) ) {
                return TRUE;
            } else {
                echo $result;
                return $result;


    class Sync_server extends CI_Controller {
        function __construct() {
        function index() {
            if (isset( $_POST['qry'] ) ) {
                $qry = htmlspecialchars_decode( urldecode( $_POST['qry']));
                $qry = explode(" ;; ", $qry);
                foreach($qry as $q) {
                    $q = explode( "||", $q );
                    $exists = mysql_query( $q[0] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error() ."<br/>" . $q[0]);
                    if ( $exists && mysql_num_rows( $exists ) ) {
                        mysql_query( $q[2] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[2]);
                    } else{
                        mysql_query( $q[1] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[1]);
            } else {
                echo "qry not found";
added 5646 characters in body
Source Link
  • 21
  • 3

Sync.php Code sync.php contents Also you need to on CURL extension in local site wamp so that it can communicate with the server side, If database record that is already synced to server edited then sync field in DB should be set to 0 so that on edit it can overwrite server DB again.

class Sync extends CI_Controller {
    private $tables;
    function __construct() {
        $this->tables = array(
            "customers" => array("per_id"),
            "db_log" => array("id"),
            "inventory" => array("tr_id"),
            "material" => array("id_mat"),
            "mtracking" => array("id_tra"),
            "orecipie" => array("id_rec"),
            "moutlets" => array("id_st"),
            "opeople" => array("per_id"),
            "oreceivings" => array("rec_id"),
            "osales" => array("sal_id"),
            "osales_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
            "osales_payments" => array("sal_id"),
            "osales_sus" => array("sal_id", "emp_id"),
            "osales_sus_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
            "osales_sus_payments" => array("sal_id"),
            "osuppliers" => array("per_id"),
        $this->id_store = $this->config->item('id_store');
    function index() {
        echo '<br>'.date("H:i:s A");
        $newLine = "\r\n";
        $output = $update = "";
        foreach($this->tables as $table_name => $columns ){

            $col_check = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table_name}` LIKE 'is_sync'";
            $col_exists = $this->db->query($col_check);
            if ( $col_exists->num_rows > 0 ) { // is_sync column exists for this table 
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE is_sync = 0 LIMIT 500" ;
                $rows = $this->db->query($sql);
                if ( $rows->num_rows > 0 ) { // where is_sync = 0
                    foreach ( $rows->result_array() as $row ) {
                        $col_val = $update_col_val = $already_exists = array();
                        foreach($row as $name => $val) {
                            if ( is_null( $val ) ) {
                            $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
                            $update_col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                            if ( "is_sync" === $name ) {
                                $val = 1;
                            if ( "id_store" === $name ) {
                                $val = $this->id_store;
                            $col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                            if ( $name === $columns[0] ){
                                $already_exists[] = " `$columns[0]` = '{$val}'";
                            if ( $name === $columns[1] ){
                                $already_exists[] = " `$columns[1]` = '{$val}'";
                        if ( is_array($col_val) && count($col_val) > 0 ) {
                            //echo $this->table_keys[$table_name];
                            $output .= "SELECT * FROM `{$table_name}` WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists) . " ||";
                            $output .= "INSERT INTO `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " ||";
                            $output .= "UPDATE `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists);
                            $output .= " ;; ";
                            $update .= "UPDATE {$table_name} SET is_sync = 1 WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $update_col_val) . " ;; ";
                } // if is_sync = 0
            } // if is_sync column exists 

        if ( !empty($output) && $this->post_data($output) ) {
            $update = explode(" ;; ", $update);
            foreach($update as $upq){
                if (!empty($upq) ) {
        } else {
            echo $result;
        echo date("H:i:s A");
    function post_data($qry){
        $qry = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($qry));
        $data = "qry=" . $qry;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL,$this->config->item("sync_server_url") );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
        curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ( 'Content-length: ' . strlen($qry) ) );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CRLF, 1);
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        if ( 1 === intval($result) ) {
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            echo $result;
            return $result;


Then after that you need to make a controller on live server I named it sync_server.php


class Sync_server extends CI_Controller { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->database();

function index() {
    if (isset( $_POST['qry'] ) ) {
        $qry = htmlspecialchars_decode( urldecode( $_POST['qry']));
        $qry = explode(" ;; ", $qry);
        foreach($qry as $q) {
            $q = explode( "||", $q );
            $exists = mysql_query( $q[0] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error() ."<br/>" . $q[0]);
            if ( $exists && mysql_num_rows( $exists ) ) {
                mysql_query( $q[2] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[2]);
            } else{
                mysql_query( $q[1] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[1]);
    } else {
        echo "qry not found";


Sync.php Code

Sync.php Code sync.php contents Also you need to on CURL extension in local site wamp so that it can communicate with the server side, If database record that is already synced to server edited then sync field in DB should be set to 0 so that on edit it can overwrite server DB again.

class Sync extends CI_Controller {
    private $tables;
    function __construct() {
        $this->tables = array(
            "customers" => array("per_id"),
            "db_log" => array("id"),
            "inventory" => array("tr_id"),
            "material" => array("id_mat"),
            "mtracking" => array("id_tra"),
            "orecipie" => array("id_rec"),
            "moutlets" => array("id_st"),
            "opeople" => array("per_id"),
            "oreceivings" => array("rec_id"),
            "osales" => array("sal_id"),
            "osales_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
            "osales_payments" => array("sal_id"),
            "osales_sus" => array("sal_id", "emp_id"),
            "osales_sus_items" => array("sal_id", "itm_id"),
            "osales_sus_payments" => array("sal_id"),
            "osuppliers" => array("per_id"),
        $this->id_store = $this->config->item('id_store');
    function index() {
        echo '<br>'.date("H:i:s A");
        $newLine = "\r\n";
        $output = $update = "";
        foreach($this->tables as $table_name => $columns ){

            $col_check = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table_name}` LIKE 'is_sync'";
            $col_exists = $this->db->query($col_check);
            if ( $col_exists->num_rows > 0 ) { // is_sync column exists for this table 
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE is_sync = 0 LIMIT 500" ;
                $rows = $this->db->query($sql);
                if ( $rows->num_rows > 0 ) { // where is_sync = 0
                    foreach ( $rows->result_array() as $row ) {
                        $col_val = $update_col_val = $already_exists = array();
                        foreach($row as $name => $val) {
                            if ( is_null( $val ) ) {
                            $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
                            $update_col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                            if ( "is_sync" === $name ) {
                                $val = 1;
                            if ( "id_store" === $name ) {
                                $val = $this->id_store;
                            $col_val[] = " `{$name}` = '{$val}' ";
                            if ( $name === $columns[0] ){
                                $already_exists[] = " `$columns[0]` = '{$val}'";
                            if ( $name === $columns[1] ){
                                $already_exists[] = " `$columns[1]` = '{$val}'";
                        if ( is_array($col_val) && count($col_val) > 0 ) {
                            //echo $this->table_keys[$table_name];
                            $output .= "SELECT * FROM `{$table_name}` WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists) . " ||";
                            $output .= "INSERT INTO `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " ||";
                            $output .= "UPDATE `{$table_name}` SET " . implode(",", $col_val) . " WHERE `id_store` = {$this->id_store} AND " . implode(" AND ", $already_exists);
                            $output .= " ;; ";
                            $update .= "UPDATE {$table_name} SET is_sync = 1 WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $update_col_val) . " ;; ";
                } // if is_sync = 0
            } // if is_sync column exists 

        if ( !empty($output) && $this->post_data($output) ) {
            $update = explode(" ;; ", $update);
            foreach($update as $upq){
                if (!empty($upq) ) {
        } else {
            echo $result;
        echo date("H:i:s A");
    function post_data($qry){
        $qry = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($qry));
        $data = "qry=" . $qry;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL,$this->config->item("sync_server_url") );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
        curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ( 'Content-length: ' . strlen($qry) ) );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CRLF, 1);
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        if ( 1 === intval($result) ) {
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            echo $result;
            return $result;


Then after that you need to make a controller on live server I named it sync_server.php


class Sync_server extends CI_Controller { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->database();

function index() {
    if (isset( $_POST['qry'] ) ) {
        $qry = htmlspecialchars_decode( urldecode( $_POST['qry']));
        $qry = explode(" ;; ", $qry);
        foreach($qry as $q) {
            $q = explode( "||", $q );
            $exists = mysql_query( $q[0] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error() ."<br/>" . $q[0]);
            if ( $exists && mysql_num_rows( $exists ) ) {
                mysql_query( $q[2] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[2]);
            } else{
                mysql_query( $q[1] ) or die ("<hr/>" . mysql_error()."<br />".$q[1]);
    } else {
        echo "qry not found";


Source Link
  • 21
  • 3

Hello you can sync your local database data with your live mysql server. I had done it making a local sync file that will present all the tables of the local database that I wanted to update to live database and then calling a call back function in footer file that function calls the function to sync local data to live server Footer.php File

    working = false;
    var do_sync = function(){
        if ( working ) { return; }
        working = true;
            "<?php echo $this->config->item("sync_url"); ?>", 
                working = false;
    window.setInterval(do_sync, 10000);

Config.php Code

$config['sync_server_url'] = "";
$config['sync_url'] = "http://localhost/localsite/index.php/sync";

Sync.php Code