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PLSQL using cursors or functions to query repeated data

Is it better to declare a commonly used lookup query as a package function or as a function (either returning rows or values or returning a sysref cursor)? Whats the difference? What are the best practices? What are the other considerations? Or is there another better way?

  1. using a package cursor

    cursor getLicenseStatus_cur (in_license_no varchar2) is SELECT status, status_dt from tbl_license where licence_no=in_license_no;

    --use: OPEN getLicenseStatus_cur('123'); fetch getLicenseStatus_cur into l_status, l_status_dt; EXIT WHEN sql%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_status= ' || l_status || ', l_status_dt= ' || l_status_dt); close getLicenseStatus_cur('123');

  2. or using a function and passing a rowtype

    create or replace function getLicenseStatus(in_license_no varchar2(10)) RETURN tbl_license%ROWTYPE as output_rec tbl_license%ROWTYPE; begin SELECT * into output_rec from tbl_license where licence_no=in_license_no; return output_rec; end;

    --use lic_rec users%ROWTYPE; lic_rec := getLicenseStatus('123'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_status= ' || lic_rec.status || ', l_status_dt= ' || lic_rec .status_dt);

  3. or using a function and passing a sys refcursor

    create or replace function getLicenseStatus(in_license_no varchar2(10)) return sys_refcursor as v_curs sys_refcursor; begin open v_curs for SELECT status, status_dt from tbl_license where licence_no=in_license_no; return v_curs; end;

    --use: v_rc := getLicenseStatus('123'); fetch v_rc into l_status , l_status_dt; exit when sql%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_status= ' || l_status || ', l_status_dt= ' || l_status_dt); close v_rc ;