I'm tring to list every personID in the person table while left joining it to the POSEligibility table that may not have a personID entry or if it does may have multiple entries as a personID is created for each startdate entry. New startdates are added each year for those eligible. Which is why i'm using the MAX Aggergate on startdate. I only want the most recent date. If I remove the subquery I get all my personIDs from the person table with NULL entries for those personIDs that don't have a startdate as expected. But I also get all the startdates that each personID has, since of course the Aggergate is missing. Any ideas?
,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), pos1.startDate, 101) AS StartDate
FROM dbo.Person per
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.POSEligibility pos1
ON per.personID = pos1.personID
INNER JOIN dbo.[Identity] id
ON per.personID = id.personID
INNER JOIN dbo.Enrollment en
ON per.personID = en.personID
INNER JOIN dbo.Calendar cal
ON en.calendarID = cal.calendarID
,MAX(pos2.startDate) AS startdate
FROM dbo.POSEligibility pos2
GROUP BY pos2.personID) pos2
ON pos2.personID = pos1.personID
AND pos2.startdate = pos1.startDate
WHERE en.grade = '01'
AND cal.name LIKE '%BES'
AND en.active = '1'
AND en.endYear = '2017'
GROUP BY per.personID