Is there a way to create a trigger or function to check a user against the database and if not verfied, the following stored procedure is not ran. I would like this option for verification check before stored procedure is ran
A function or trigger something along these lines
DECLARE @strtoken varchar(30)
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT userid from users where token = @strtoken)
--stop any further transactions
Sorry, yes I meant to trigger the event of checking the token against the user table before any further processing of the stored procedure. The reason I'm doing this is because I'm using cookies and cookies can be changed. So I encrypted the token with MD5, 3DES and salted it. Right now I'm wrapping the stored procedure like this:
DECLARE @strtoken varchar(30)
DECLARE @userid bigint
IF EXISTS (SELECT userid from users where token = @strtoken AND userid=@userid)
--run stored procedure here WHERE userid = @userid
Of course, the user has to log in to use the web app, but I don't want anyone fiddling with the token. So I figured there was a way to check against the db with the token and if not verified, stop any further processing of the stored procedure without wrapping the entire stored procedure like I'm doing now
?) you could just simply roll back the running transaction to undo any inserts, if your criteria is not satisfied