I am running the following Copy command via npgsql (.Net) from a client on the network:
COPY work_narcra00_2017_q2.a2_aevent FROM '//BRAHMA//EnvironProcessing//dbprocessfixedasciiimport.tmp' WITH CSV
I am getting this error:
ERROR: could not open file "//BRAHMA//EnvironProcessing//dbprocessfixedasciiimport.tmp" for reading: Permission denied
SQL state: 42501
I also tried the command from PgAdmin III and I get the same error.
The obvious answer is the file/folder permissions, but both the share and NTFS permissions have read/write permissions to Everyone.
Another post suggested adding permissions for Network Service but that makes little sense for accessing a network share because I cannot add the DBServer/NetworkService account to the client computer's share (though I tried adding the local Network Service account just in case)
Moving the file to a local folder on the server of course works, but that is not a viable long-term option right now.
Edit: I can see and edit the file just fine from within Windows using Notepad.