In SQL Server 2014, dreplay.exe was available under "Management Tools – Basic" feature. However, in SQL Server 2017 that feature no longer exists (Enterprise edition) and it doesn't come with SSMS installer either. Here is what available from SQL Server 2017 installer:

enter image description here

Did they move dreplay.exe somewhere else?

Any help is much appreciated!

Update 1.

It seems there is a bit of confusion around Distributed Replay and what exactly I am looking for. So I thought to include a diagram from this article:

enter image description here

Administration tool (dreplay.exe) is what I am looking for.

Controller (DReplayController.exe) is Distributed Replay Controller from feature selection screen. It is useless without Administration tool.

Client (DReplayClient.exe) is Distributed Replay Client from feature selection screen. It is useless without Controller.

Update 2.

OS: Windows Server 2016 Standard

SQL Server Management Studio version: 18.4 **

** (As this post suggests dreplay.exe came with SSMS 17.x, but got removed from 18.x)

SQL Server < Shared Components > version: 14.0.1000.169 ***

*** (displayed at Installation Type step or can be found in MediaInfo.xml Property Id="BaselineVersion" that is located in the root of disk with SQL Server installer)

Binn folder contents:

 Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn

18/11/2019  15:19    <DIR>          .
18/11/2019  15:19    <DIR>          ..
18/11/2019  15:19    <DIR>          DQ
22/08/2017  18:39           697,528 DReplayCommon.dll
22/08/2017  18:39            20,592 DReplayServer.tlb
22/08/2017  18:40            32,952 DReplayServerPS.dll
04/11/2019  15:25    <DIR>          Resources
04/11/2019  15:28    <DIR>          schemas
15/06/2019  11:09           602,848 SqlManager.dll
22/08/2017  18:47            60,088 SQLPS.exe
22/08/2017  18:48               379 SQLPS.exe.config
15/06/2019  11:09            29,472 sqlresld.dll
15/06/2019  11:09            29,264 SqlResourceLoader.dll
15/06/2019  11:08            59,672 SQLSCM.DLL
15/06/2019  11:08           133,200 SQLSVC.DLL
              10 File(s)      1,665,995 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  97,550,450,688 bytes free
  • 1
    I see "Distributed Replay Controller" and "Distributed Replay Client" in the screen image under Shared Features. Looks like it is already installed.
    – Dan Guzman
    Commented Nov 18, 2019 at 19:58
  • @DanGuzman unfortunately, there is a 3rd thing - Distributed Replay itself (not Controller or Client), it is designed to allow to control Controller via CMD. Without Distributed Replay, you cannot use Controller
    – Vladimirs
    Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 14:13
  • 1
    @Vladimirs thanks for the update. When installing client and controller on SQL Server 2017 I do find DReplay.exe in my default location of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn Commented Nov 20, 2019 at 11:52
  • 1
    @RandiVertongen is it definitely comes out of SQL Server installer? Maybe you have SSMS 17.x installed (i've put a link in my 2nd update where it suggests that dreplay.exe used to come with SSMS 17.x). If you do not have SSMS 17.x, would you be so kind to check your < Shared Components > version?
    – Vladimirs
    Commented Nov 20, 2019 at 12:59
  • 1
    You are right about the 17.x, my bad! Nicely spotted. Commented Nov 20, 2019 at 13:02

1 Answer 1


@Randi Vertongen: You really find dreplay.exe in the location you mention just by installing the DReplayClient and the DReplayController from the SQL 2017 ISO? I just installed the Controller and the Client and it is definitely not there. As mentioned in my post in the MSDN Forum it can be installed by installing SSMS 17.x which I am going to do now - but that cannot be the solution. I have opened a Connect Item back in the days - Maybe you would like to upvote it: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/908035-sql-server/suggestions/38242585-where-is-dreplay-exe

  • Welcome to Database administrators. Please, notice that answers should be solely answers and not questions. If you have questions, you should add comments (when you have enough reputation score to do that) to ask questions that might help you answer the topic question.
    – Ronaldo
    Commented Dec 16, 2019 at 11:43

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