In the main, I've got two kinds of time intervals:
presence time
and absence time
absence time
can be of different types (eg breaks, absences, special day and so on) and time intervals may overlap and / or intersect.
It is not for sure, that only plausible combinations of intervals exist in raw data, eg. overlapping presence-intervals don't make sense, but may exist. I've tried to identify resulting presence-time intervals in many ways now - for me, the most comfortable seems to be the follwing one.
;with "timestamps"
"id" = row_number() over ( order by "empId", "timestamp", "opening", "type" )
, "empId"
, "timestamp"
, "type"
, "opening"
select "empId", "timestamp", "type", case when "types" = 'starttime' then 1 else -1 end as "opening" from
( select "empId", "starttime", "endtime", 1 as "type" from "worktime" ) as data
unpivot ( "timestamp" for "types" in ( "starttime", "endtime" ) ) as pvt
union all
select "empId", "timestamp", "type", case when "types" = 'starttime' then 1 else -1 end as "opening" from
( select "empId", "starttime", "endtime", 2 as "type" from "break" ) as data
unpivot ( "timestamp" for "types" in ( "starttime", "endtime" ) ) as pvt
union all
select "empId", "timestamp", "type", case when "types" = 'starttime' then 1 else -1 end as "opening" from
( select "empId", "starttime", "endtime", 3 as "type" from "absence" ) as data
unpivot ( "timestamp" for "types" in ( "starttime", "endtime" ) ) as pvt
) as data
, "starttime" = T1."timestamp"
, "endtime" = T2."timestamp"
"timestamps" as T1
left join "timestamps" as T2
on T2."empId" = T1."empId"
and T2."id" = T1."id" + 1
left join "timestamps" as RS
on RS."empId" = T2."empId"
and RS."id" <= T1."id"
group by
T1."empId", T1."timestamp", T2."timestamp"
(sum( power( 2, RS."type" ) * RS."opening" ) = 2)
order by
T1."empId", T1."timestamp";
see SQL-Fiddle for some demo data.
The raw data exist in different tables in form of "starttime" - "endtime"
or "starttime" - "duration"
The idea was to get an ordered list of every timestamp with a "bitmasked" rolling sum of open intervals at each time to estimate presence time.
The fiddle works and gives estimated results, even if startimes of different intervals are equal. No indices are used in this example.
Is this the right way to achieve questioned task or is there a more elegant way for this?
If relevant for answering: amount of data will be up to several ten-thousand datasets per employee per table. sql-2012 is not available to calculate a rolling sum of predecessors inline in aggregate.
Just executed the query against larger amount of testdata ( 1000, 10.000, 100.000, 1 million) and can see that runtime increases exponentially. Obviously a warning flag, right?
I changed the query and removed aggregation of rolling sum by a quirky update.
I've added an auxiliary table:
create table timestamps
"id" int
, "empId" int
, "timestamp" datetime
, "type" int
, "opening" int
, "rolSum" int
create nonclustered index "idx" on "timestamps" ( "rolSum" ) include ( "id", "empId", "timestamp" )
and I moved calculating rolling sum to this place:
declare @rolSum int = 0
update "timestamps" set @rolSum = "rolSum" = @rolSum + power( 2, "type" ) * "opening" from "timestamps"
The runtime decreased to 3 sec regarding 1 million entries in the "worktime"-table.
Question stays the same: What's the most effective way to solve this?