I want to create a SQL agent schedule that occurs during a date range. I can't use "recurs every n weeks" because the process that it will fire off will change with each month.
I need to set the frequency to be akin to occurs monthly, 1st Monday through the 2nd Friday of every 1 month
. That way I am assured to be only running the process starting with the first full week of every month
Am I crazy for thinking of a schedule like this? Shirley(sic) I can't be the only one. I have looked at sp_add_schedule for any hints, none to be found there. I have tried Googling, but I can't come up with the right query syntax thus keep coming up empty.
Perhaps if one could help me come up with the correct question, that could lead me in the right direction.
::Update1: I am going to add date logic to the script.