I'm test-running a Joomla installation (locally, using WAMP) with an MySQL database supporting it...this is in preparation to moving everything online once I have it configured.
I was working in phpMyAdmin to change the password of a superuser I had set up with a login-name other than "root." While doing so, I saw three additional "root" users, and on the phpMyAdmin home page, a warning about these root users not having a password. I thought that since I created my own superuser with "All Privileges," I didn't need the root users...so I deleted them. Immediately things stopped working...and now, when I click on the "Users" tab in phpMyAdmin, it simply returns a red bar that says "No Privileges"...my specific superuser is gone. However, it seems I can still move around in phpMyAdmin (maybe because I'm still logged in?).
Could someone please tell me step-by-step how (if?) I can re-add the root users using phpMyAdmin? I see instructions posted in various places, but they seem to address users who are using terminal windows or some other program. I'd hate to see months of work go down the drain!
EDIT: Using Windows, I've tried the following:
- There is no file called "resetroot.bat" anywhere in the wamp/sql folders, as someone suggested...so that option is out.
- I've tried to access MySQL using a terminal connection: in the MySQL root folder there is a file called mysql.exe that seems to grant this when executed (there is no "mysql_safe.exe" as some solutions have suggested). However, I have been unsuccessful in starting mysql with the --skip-grant-tables option from outside mysql.exe, and when I try to do it from within mysql.exe, I just get an odd prompt ("->") and no other commands seem to work.
Please keep in mind that I am a newbie at this! I am trying different things, but without any success...that is why I'll probably need step-by-step instructions.