I'm building a chat app in which two people will comunicate on enquiry, I want to fetch conversation between two users on enquiry, table structure is like below:

Table: enquiries

id, name, product, msg

Table: replies

id, enquiry_id(fk), from_user(fk), to_user(fk), msg

    | id | enq_id | from_user | to_user | msg  |
    | 1  | 1      | 1         | 2       | msg1 |
    | 2  | 1      | 2         | 1       | msg2 |
    | 3  | 1      | 1         | 2       | msg3 |
    | 4  | 1      | 2         | 1       | msg4 |
    | 5  | 1      | 1         | 3       | msg1 |
    | 6  | 1      | 3         | 1       | msg2 |

What I'm doing

I'm using using below query to fetch communication between two users on the basis of enquiries but it is giving two seperate records for same users & enquiry.

   count(1) replies_count 
   `replies` r 
   r.enquiry_id, r.from_user, r.to_user
   r.id DESC

This is the result of the above query

    | enq_id | from_user | to_user | msg |
    | 1      | 1         | 2       | 2   |
    | 1      | 2         | 1       | 2   |
    | 1      | 1         | 3       | 1   |
    | 1      | 3         | 1       | 1   |

And my expected result is like

| enq_id | participant1 | participant2 | msg |
| 1      | 1            | 2            | 4   |
| 1      | 1            | 3            | 2   |
  • 1
    can be more than two distinct users in the conversation?
    – McNets
    Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 13:50
  • There will be single row for two users communicating on same enquiry, I've modified my question please check Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 5:01

2 Answers 2


check it here if it is what you're asking for: http://rextester.com/TVOKS20933

select enquiry_id, from_user, to_user, count(1) msg 
from replies
group by enquiry_id, from_user, to_user
order by id;

| id | enq_id | from_user | to_user | msg  |
| 1  | 1      | 1         | 2       | msg1 |
| 2  | 1      | 2         | 1       | msg2 |
| 3  | 1      | 1         | 2       | msg3 |
| 4  | 1      | 2         | 1       | msg4 |
| 5  | 1      | 1         | 3       | msg1 |
| 6  | 1      | 3         | 1       | msg2 |

| enq_id | from_user | to_user | msg |
| 1      | 1         | 2       | 2   |
| 1      | 2         | 1       | 2   |
| 1      | 1         | 3       | 1   |
| 1      | 3         | 1       | 1   |
  • This what is I'm doing right now, I want only one row for communication between two users. I have modified my question, please check Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 5:00

A dialogue between two users can be grouped together as a single row if you ensure that the IDs always go in a specific order, for example, lower ID followed by higher ID. For just two elements, you can easily implement such an order using built-in functions LEAST and GREATEST. For instance, if you have rows:

from_user  to_user
---------  -------
1          2
2          1
1          2

and perform a query like this:

  LEAST(from_user, to_user) AS participant1,
  GREATEST(from_user, to_user) AS participant2

the result will be:

participant1  participant2
------------  ------------
1             2
1             2
1             2

If you then use the expressions LEAST(from_user, to_user) and GREATEST(from_user, to_user) as grouping terms instead of simply from_user, to_user, your output will return a single row per each pair of users regardless of which one was from_user and which to_user.

Therefore, you can modify your query like this to achieve the desired output:

   LEAST(r.from_user, r.to_user) AS participant1, 
   GREATEST(r.from_user, r.to_user) AS participant2, 
   count(1) replies_count 
   `replies` r 
   LEAST(r.from_user, r.to_user),
   GREATEST(r.from_user, r.to_user)
   MAX(r.id) DESC

You can see that I also changed the ORDER BY from r.id to MAX(r.id). While it is true that MySQL's non-strict mode permits you to select non-GROUP BY columns without aggregation, in practice this can be very misleading and cause unpredictable/inconsistent results where the selected column can have multiple values per group. I suggest you always wrap a non-GROUP BY column in an aggregate function when referencing it in SELECT, HAVING or ORDER BY.

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