I have a table with a few rows in it. It has a primary. I insert a large number of rows, including all fields including the primary key. Now when I try to an insert without specifying the primary key it fails because it's trying to use a number that was already used as a primary key in the previously inserted rows. How can I tell the table to create new primary keys at numbers higher than the existing keys?

For example, say I have rows with primary keys 1-8 in the table and I do a mass insert of rows with primary keys 9 through 64. Then I try to do a single insert without a primary key and it fails because it's trying to use 9. The next try fails because it's trying to use 10. And so on. I want to tell the table to start counting new primary keys at 65. How can I do that?

1 Answer 1

SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('tbl', 'tbl_id'), max(tbl_id)) FROM tbl; 

Table name and column name are two separate parameters to the pg_get_serial_sequence() function.
And you don't need a subselect.


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